What's My Mission


    Here's a little bit of late night blogging for you.

    This is always the time that I reflect on my day.

    My house is quite and my mind is clear.

    I was asked today what my mission was in life, do I have direct plans on where I would like my future to go.People are absolutely obsessed with making plans.

    Yes it's essential for travel and the more constructive way of life but when we look into our connections with people and future plans how can you really plan ahead.

    Time changes in an instant so do connections no one can be prepared for that you just have to do your best to deal with situations as there unfolding.

    No amount of planning can stop the inevitable from happening.I think this is where humans really go wrong in life.

    Trying to press the stop button before their feet have even left the ground running. 

    It's difficult trying to be yourself in a world that's so judgemental.

    My mission in life is to show people that anything is possible if you believe that you can achieve it.

    So my mission is positivity, I won't get involved with anything or anyone who I know will either have a distructive trait or cause unessary negative vibes. 

    It's not what I'm about anymore.I don't want it and the world doesn't need it.With great change also comes sacrifice you loose parts of yourself which you thought you where holding on to for all the right reasons turns out its only causing you more damage in the long run.

    My mission isn't to preach my mission is to make people awake to their own surroundings and to what serves thier greater good.

    It feels great to give to connections but make sure you're also giving to yourself.

    Love to you all

    Stacie xxx

    • Caroline B Caroline B :

      This is a great outlook- I think this past year has really shown us all that there is no possible way we can plan for everything in life. It's definitely something I've been reflecting on a lot recently. I also find it easy to be negative about situations I've been in, but I'm going to really work on bringing positivity into my life and into the world- that's what we all need right now! 

      4 years ago 
    • Stacie L Stacie L :

      Hello Caroline I hope you're well thank you for reading my blog post I'm glad to hear your could relate to the situation also. 

      It's been a hell of year I feel that a lot of people will be or have been in reflection mode. 

      But positive vibes definitely make all the difference. 

      Stacie x

      4 years ago 

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