

Cafe Americain

    My holidays are officially over after been in Paris, Amsterdam and London life couldn’t be better but wishing I could live in Amsterdam again well in a few years will be back but been away from relatives and friends is hard but this makes me be a new person a stronger one to survive without having no one around me, I don’t know if some of you have had this kind of experience before?

    Got so many looks to shared with you this one was taken at the lovely Leidseplein I always wanted to shoot in front of the famous cafe Americain but it was always impossible because is always to crowded with tourists.

    Wearing a comfy look in the” Dutch way” I call it as the Dutch love to wear sneakers and now I’m just into that trend as I always use to hate wearing sneakers I love high heels because they make you look taller but also sophisticated at the same time but you can look chic as well with sneakers if you wear the right clothes.



    Photography by Lily Tjonwww.hashtagbylily.com


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