We all know the power of lingerie. But in case you forgot how it feels to wear something new, we will fresh up your mind. Treating yourself with a new set of lingerie is something you might see as something practical instead of a treat to yourself. Because what lingerie really does to our minds is making ourselves feel confident. We feel more powerful when we wear something beautiful underneath our clothes, so why not feel like this everyday?

    Last week I got this beautiful set by Marlies Dekkers. I never had something before from the Dutch lingerie designer, but I wonder why, because I love it! The leather details and the push-up-cup make it sexy, yet the soft fabric and the cute pattern makes it wearable and classic. I love how the green is perfect for every season and that the model never goes out of style. The shape fits perfect on my body and makes me feel more confident than I have felt the past few weeks. Strange huh? Because the only one who will see it is you, and maybe your partner if you have one. Yet, it feels so good to know that you are wearing something nice, feminine and sexy underneath your daytime outfit.

    This summer tweed push up bra and thong (which are both now in sale as well) fit totally true to size. For example; I am wearing a cup C70 and size S like I got measured earlier, so really perfect sizing! This style also comes in different colors, but of course they have many more styles and shapes. Enough to find something that is perfect for you and to feel confident in Marlies Dekkers too! Now I am wondering if you feel the same I do when it comes to new lingerie? Let me know in the comments! 

    Ps. Make sure to use the code Floortjeloves for a 10% off!

    • Julia M Julia M : Floortje, I’m in love with this underwear set!😍
      6 years ago 

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