Embracing Body Positivity

    I have always had insecurities about my body and how I looked on the outside. Ever since I was a young girl, I was conscious about my weight and that I looked bulkier than the rest of my friends. There was a constant debate running in my head about what to wear and what not to. I wanted to be skinnier and less conscious. It was exhausting, especially because I was just a teenager. But, as I grew older, I started embracing my body just the way it was. I decided to treat my body the way I feel like and the way that it makes me feel better about myself. I decided to embrace body positivity in all its forms.  

    Finally Getting Over It

    As I started experimenting with my styles, I discovered that I should wear clothes however it is that I like it. That’s when I came across the idea of body shaper bodysuits. I understand some of you must be wondering that here I am talking about body positivity and also talking about things that help you look like what you’re not. Well, for me, body positivity is just about wearing whatever you like to whether it suits the norms or not. 

    If I want to paint my body, I should be able to. If I want to wear boyfriend tees and go out with messy hair, I should be able to. Whether I want to dress up or not, should solely be my decision. Body positivity is just about being able to fall in love with your body just the way it is and dressing up the way you want to, should be on you.

    And as the heavens would have it, I came across this website called Loverbeauty. What excited me about them was how they believed in the fact that beauty should be the cause of confidence and not the source of anxiety. They cater to all shapes and sizes. They are comfortable, smooth, and stretch just as much as you’d like them to.

    A lot of us believe that body shapers are supposed to be worn only to shape the figure but I know women who wear those because they experience lower back pains, want to improve posture and to feel good about themselves after they have gone through some hormonal irregularities. Just like everything else, this has its cons too. However, if it’s for the greater good, I am ready to embrace this. 

    Rest assured, Loverbeauty has certainly come across to me as the best shapewear for tummy and waist and you must give it a try! 

    Disclaimer: This is a paid promotional post for the brand. You are not charged extra for buying their products from the links mentioned here. The review is fair and unbiased. 

    To read more such articles, please visit https://notsocordial.com/

    Have a great day!


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