Get ready for Xmas with me!

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Get ready for Xmas with me!

    The Holiday Season is already here, and the following 10 days are loaded with Christmas parties, family gatherings and meet-ups with friends! I assume you have already done most of you are done with the Christmas shopping and have all your outfits ready for a month already. 

    This article is for the rest of the girls, including me, who are always a bit too late ( or a bit too lazy) to get their outfits ready in advance. The shops are just way chaotic, the Christmas music (although amazing) can get a bit on your nerves after 5 hours, and the dress you have been wearing for the last 3 years is not that bad anyways. These excuses are fine for a while, but when the Christmas day comes, and you realize you have nothing to wear, you suddenly are very angry. 

    Rule number 1: do not even try to look for the dress on the day of the event.

    Why? You will probably get very annoyed, lose time, and in the end, buy a probably over-priced outfit as you do not have any other options left.  How to deal with this? You do not even have to leave your house, as I am sure you can find the solution right in your closet. 

    Here are some rules to follow if you're late with finding your outfit, but still want to look amazing: 

    1. Wear all black

    We all probably have a ton of black clothes, and this color will always make you look elegant.

    The secret to a good look, however, is combining textures. If you choose only one texture for your whole outfit, it will easily look boring. The same rule goes for wearing a black dress- do not forget to combine it with another material - preferably some accessories: black belts, hats, or scarfs always are a good addition. 

    Black leather pants are great for this occasion, as they will give you an elegant, yet chic, look and you won't look overdressed. This outfit is a good solution for meeting with friends for Christmas.

    2. Use the power of accessories

    Accessories can always be of great help if you combine them well. If you decide to go for this option, keep your outfit simple and in one color. This will make the accessorize pop out and will draw attention to your unique look. I always prefer going for the red color, as it symbolizes the winter holidays in such a good way. 

    A good idea which will look great and will give you a unique look is using a big, red hair bow tie. If you go for this option, make sure to have a clean and elegant look as it could look messy with too curly hair. I advise choosing a big bow, as it gives so much richness to your look. 

    You can purchase the bow here.

    Check out this tutorial to find out how to make the perfect ponytail:  

    3. Focus on makeup 

    Keep your outfit simple, and focus rather on your face. This is the period of the year when you can put as many sparkles on your face without getting unnecessary attention,  so make sure to use this great opportunity! 

    Here are some makeup inspiration looks I absolutely love:

    Find more Christmas looks here !

    And this was it! Christmas time is here to enjoy it, so use this advice, get your awesome look, and enjoy the holidays! 




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