Highlights or Balayage?

    Last week I still was a blondie, but I wanted to go back to my natural hair color, which is dark brown. I wasn't ready for a radical change, so I've decided to just darken my roots and let it grow. I had two amazing options - Highlights and Balayage.

    Highlights and Balayage are the two new trends in the hair industry. They both look cool and both look natural on the hair. But still, what's the difference?
    Highlighting means changing a person's hair color, using lightener or haircolor to color hair strands.
    Balayage is a French free-handed highlighting technique in which the dye is painted on in such a way as to create a graduated, natural-looking effect. So, it's just a more complicated highlighting.

    I went for highlights, but since I was making my hair darker and not lighter, the effect I've got is very close to balayage. So I've done highlights resulting in balayage. And I'm more than satisfied with the result. The change isn't radical, it still looks natural and I can start growing my natural and healthy hair.

    What do you think about the result I've got?:) Share in comments! xx

    • Marie H Marie H : Lovely result and very natural indeed. Just one question, was your hair a little drier after it? :)
      8 years ago 
      • Julia M Julia M : Thank you, Marie! My hair was a bit damaged, since I've been dying into blond almost every month, so it's hard to say. But it didn't become worse and as far as I know, if the hair stylist is a professional and he/she uses the professional hair dye, it should be absolutely fine! Worst case - you'll need to use oily hair masks for a few weeks:)
        8 years ago 

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