

How to Cut Straight Hair At Home

    The lockdown situation has put all of us in a pickle. The mass gathering is prohibited and any place that supported one has been shut down. However, this lockdown has made us all creative and looking for alternatives to get our works done. One such tedious job is to get a decent haircut. Now since we will not be able to go to the spa for a few weeks, all of us are wondering how to get those split ends trimmed or to try a new haircut.

    So, let’s try something really creative to get that hair out of the face in 10 simple ways!

    1. Shampoo your hair and use a conditioner.

    2. When the hair is half-wet, comb nicely and tie a rubber band loosely on the back of your head.

    3. Tie another rubber band half-way around the open hair depending on the length of the pony

    4. Take the length of the hair you want to chop off and tie another rubber band till that.

    5. Take a pair of scissors and cut the hair from there.

    6. Open your hair to as it was.

    7. Part your hairs in the middle and get the parted hairs sideways to the front such that they remain parted.

    8. Tie a rubber band where your hair reaches your neck.

    9. Tie another rubber band in the rest of the portion of the pony.

    10. Cut the hair in a straight line. 

    Lockdown has been really hard on all of us but it doesn’t have to stop us from looking nice! Now, this lockdown has taught us how to be independent. So, the next time you decide to go to a salon to cut your hair? You don’t have to! ;)


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