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Which I find so fascinating that I caught myself spending hours and hours researching the concept.
Loosely translates to ‘Golden Joinery’ and it’s meant to fix what’s broken but too good to be discarded.
It began with pottery and dates back to the 15th century, as an aesthetically pleasing means of repair.
The Japanese used gold dust and resin or lacquer to attach broken pieces or fill in cracks and crannies.
Instead of saying goodbye to a broken item they breathed new life into it, mending it with gold and making it more beautiful than ever.
By highlighting and emphasizing those imperfections they celebrated change as an event in the life cycle of an object rather than the end of its service.
Displayed with pride.
Interesting life lesson.
Aren’t we all broken one way or another?
You can’t go through life without breaking a bone or two. Or a dream that never came true.
But it’s those moments that make us who we are and you get to choose:
Either stay bitter and broken or accept things and glue yourself back together with gold, more beautiful than ever.
Unlock the full story and discover the collection here: http://www.chelf.net/kintsugi/
See you on the Chelfdom loves!
Which I find so fascinating that I caught myself spending hours and hours researching the concept.
Loosely translates to ‘Golden Joinery’ and it’s meant to fix what’s broken but too good to be discarded.
It began with pottery and dates back to the 15th century, as an aesthetically pleasing means of repair.
The Japanese used gold dust and resin or lacquer to attach broken pieces or fill in cracks and crannies.
Instead of saying goodbye to a broken item they breathed new life into it, mending it with gold and making it more beautiful than ever.
By highlighting and emphasizing those imperfections they celebrated change as an event in the life cycle of an object rather than the end of its service.
Displayed with pride.
Interesting life lesson.
Aren’t we all broken one way or another?
You can’t go through life without breaking a bone or two. Or a dream that never came true.
But it’s those moments that make us who we are and you get to choose:
Either stay bitter and broken or accept things and glue yourself back together with gold, more beautiful than ever.
Unlock the full story and discover the collection here: http://www.chelf.net/kintsugi/
See you on the Chelfdom loves!
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