Coachella/Music Festival Outfit Ideas for 2017!!

Omg Coachella is both this weekend and next and I totally wish I could be there. Give this video a thumbs up if Blair and I should do more collabs together!!

Huge shoutout to Randy for letting us use his drone to film this video! Here's a link to his channel, go check him out!!

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Snapchat: caliikatt

Instagram: calihubbard

Twitter: calihubbard

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You guys should really take 4 minutes out of your day to watch this video, I worked really hard on it :)

-My Last Video-

My Spring Clothing TryOn Haul of 2017!

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Watch this video, you won't regret it. It will give you chills.
NCA Daytona Beach Nationals 2016

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~sincerely cali


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