Greetings From the Sunny Cape Town

    South Africa
    Cape Town
    Clifton Beach

    Did you know that when it is winter in Europe, South Africans chill on the beach and die from heat?!

    And right now, while Europe is getting colder and colder, we get our summer bodies ready for the beach and slowly start tanning!

    On the picture by the way there is one of the fanciest beaches of Cape Town - Clifton. Clifton is divided into 4 beaches: Clifton 1st is for families, normal people, dogs are allowed only here; Clifton 2nd is full of students and beach sport lovers; Clifton 3rd is a nude beach and Clifton 4th is a fancy beach, where girls go with make up and perfect bodies. It's popular between celebrities, bloggers and "rich" people. I chose Clifton 1st, because on the beach I prefer to chill and not show off :)

    Julia xx

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