My Spiritual Journey Led me to...Boston

    United States
    Strand Theatre- "Super Attractor" Book Launch

    Part One: The Airport

    I am sitting at the gate in Halifax Airport waiting to board my flight to Boston. This trip is just for me. A treat. I can’t remember the last time I did something of this magnitude for myself. I have been told by countless people who have heard of my journey that i deserve it. And yes, I do. 

    My journey here began a little over a year ago when I stumbled upon an author and spiritual teacher who would help me organize my own thoughts and believes about the universe, energy, spirituality, and the role love plays in my life. 

    Am I religious? No. Spiritual, yes. But I didn’t know how to be spiritual. 

    About two years ago I downloaded the audiobook The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein. Something about the title caught my attention. A few months later, I received the corresponding oracle card deck for Christmas. And then, about fourteen months ago (a year after I acquired the audio book) I listened to it. 

    I have a part time job where I report sports statistics for live sporting events. Yes, its awesome…but sometimes it can be boring. This particular Sunday I was assigned a football game. I was reporting the on the yardage (gain & losses) and downs. It was one of those shifts that easily allowed me to multitask. There I was, in my cubicle, and unable to connect to the WIFI in the office. I decided to listen to The Universe Has Your Back  as I already had it downloaded on my phone. 

    I was hooked within minutes of listening. I frantically took notes on napkins and any loose pieces of paper I could find in my disorganized mom-purse. I was on autopilot for the football, but my consciousness and soul was entralled with the words Gabby was reading to me. I listened for 4 hours. Here is what I knew: I needed a copy of Gabby’s book May Cause Miracles and A Course in Miracles (ACIM). 

    I stopped at a book store on the way home from work. Somehow, perhaps a miracle, I found both books without the effort of wandering around aimlessly among the filled shelves. Both books were also the last copies on the shelf!!

    I began following Gabby on social media. I read her other books- but funnily enough I haven’t finished The Universe Has Your Back. I guess those 4 hours gave me what I needed. I joined an online Miracle Membership which gives me access to podcasts, trainings and meditations supplied by Gabrielle Bernstein. I have wholeheartedly aligned myself with her teachings. She is my spiritual guru. What Gabby  teaches is rooted in the metaphysical text A Course in Miracles- everything I intuitively believe is in this compendium.

    So, being on my spiritual path is celebrating one year. What felt like somewhat of a reward and celebration of this personal milestone, the release of Gabby's seventh book aligned with my spiritual anniversary. Super Attractor  was published this past September. Naturally, I pre-ordered her book months in advance. I found myself navigating to her events page on her website, sometimes day dreaming of seeing her speak in person. I have seen so many videos of Gabby lecturing and they are so powerful. One could only imagine how more impactful her message would be if I was actually present in the audience.

    Alas, no events were near by…that is until the dates for her Super Attractor book tour were announced. 

    Boston. October 25th. 

    Omg. Boston. October 25th. 

    I’m going. 

    …to be continued. I’m boarding my flight. 

    Read Part 2: On the Plane & Part 3: At the Hotel here

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