

The St. Wenceslas Feast or The tradition is still alive in the South Moravia

The St. Wenceslas Feast or The tradition is still alive in the South Moravia

Czech Republic

Hey all :))

The golden brew of kings. Young wine. The typical tradition at the St. Wenceslas feast for me. Men are screaming to the women, young, elderly, granddaughters, and grandmothers and prompting for dancing. The brightly colored folk costumes are flooding the town hall square from all sides. They sing, dance and drinking a delicious drink late into the night. The Wind Orchestra is calling all to the united march and to the common dancing under the Maypole. Our beautiful country, the South Moravia and Breclav. The endless sunny acres are wire-wrapped by the vineyards and grape vines. The small berries. We so lovingly and tenderly care for these berries.…

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yours Kate with LOVE :))
---> covertheroad.com!

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