Traveling: Paris, La Ville D’Amour


    As the summer came to an end, it was time for another short vacation to help me out with the fall nostalgia. The city of love awaited for me with the perfect weather and the most beautiful sightseeing, Audrey Hepburn couldn’t be more right when saying that “Paris is always a good idea”.

    I flew to the smaller airport called Beauvais, this is around 90km away from Paris, but the buses are leaving every 20 minutes and the drive was around 1h and 15 minutes. The bus stopped at Porte Maillot, from where we took the metro to get to our accommodation. The public transport is very well connected, so make sure you purchase the correct type of pass. I did a little bit of documentation before going and I found out that I can make a regular pass for a week for all lines and zones with 27euros + 5 euros for the photo taken in the photo booth(careful with that, it receives money but it doesn’t give change and I ended up losing 5 euros). If you choose to go for the tourist pass, you will end up paying around 68 euros for 5 days on all lines and zones.

    Paris has 5 zones, from 1, that is the center, to the 5th zone that is the external area with the Versailles Palace and Disney Land. So make sure you have the correct type of pass when traveling since you will be allowed to get on the train, but might get a fee or will not be allowed to exit.

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