

Built By Us: Succulent Plant Potters

Product details: sand, gloves, plants, plastic Vanity/Makeup Organizer (stackable), river pebbles, dirt, moss, drill

Built By Us: Succulent Plant Potters

    This is a DIY series I do on my blog making fun and affordable projects with my audience! 

    Hi everyone! Welcome to another Built By Us project! Now this is our 10 B.B.U. project (Yay) and in honor of our first project back in March, DIY Terrariums, were doing back to your roots (git it hehehe) So I decided we’re going to make Plant Potters!

    Usually, I post what you need to make the project earlier in the week, but this project is different. Since everything but the plants, itself can be found in your house! Most of the things on the list, are things I already had at home. That’s one of my favorite parts of DIY, reusing things for a new purpose. (click here to read more)


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