How to Make Candles - Scented and Decorative (DIY)

Product details: -1 Package of Soy Wax -Candlewicks -Essential Oil -Flower Leaves -A pot -Sticks -Jars

How to Make Candles - Scented and Decorative (DIY)

    How to Make Candles - Scented and Decorative (DIY)

    Candles are not only an integral part of home decoration but also something commonly used in aromatherapy. With the essential oils you add, you can make your candle smell good and create your spa at home.

    Most candles we buy from shops contain paraffin and stearin, which are petroleum products and not good for our health. We burn candles to have a nice and relaxing environment around, but this should not pollute the air in the house. 

    Today, I want to talk about how to make candles at home with natural and easy-to-find supplies. You will love not only the smell of your candle but also the handcraft you will create. 

    We will use soy wax. There are also some other types of waxes for candle making, like beeswax and palm wax. Palm wax is similar to soy wax since they both made from natural oil. The most used ones are soy and beeswax. Beeswax is not easy to clean from the surface if you are using a pot for melting, so I suggest you use soy wax. Let’s start.


    -1 Package of Soy Wax


    -Essential Oil

    -Flower Leaves

    -A pot 

    -Sticks (or Pencils)


    Websites to find the supplies:

    (Image: candlescience.com)

    Before Starting: 

    I would suggest for you to put paper towels under them to prevent the dirt.  

    Step 1: 

    We can start by melting the soy wax in a pot on the stove. Let the candle melt for 10-15 minutes at medium heat. Do not forget to stir it around while melting. The amount of soy wax depends on how many candles you want to have. 

    (Image: Youtube/ One Love Candle LLC)

    Step 2:

    When your soy wax is melted, add the essential oil you want. The essential oil will help you get a good smell from your candle. You can choose your favorite scents like lavender or sandalwood. A tablespoon of it will be more than enough.

    (Image: 1502candleco.com)

    Step 3:

    Before adding the wax, you can put the wick in the jar. The candlewicks generally have a little metal piece at the bottom. You can put a dab of glue on that and then stick them into the center of the jar and press down. I suggest you leave the wicks long so that you can adjust it easier.

    (Image: candlescience.com)

    Step 4:

    Apply a bit of wax on the flower leaves and stick them around the jar from the inside.

    (Image: etsy.com)

    Step 5:

    The melted wax goes hardens quickly so before it does, it’s better to pour it into the jars. 

    (Image: pinterest.com)

    Step 6: 

    After pouring, you can put the wick in between two sticks. The sticks will keep the wick in the middle.

    (Image: mortilki.com)

    Step 7:

    Let your candle dry. When it hardens, it may have fractures on the surface. You can melt a bit more wax and add it to the jar to have a smooth surface.

    Step 8:

    Once they are dry, you can clip the wick to shorter. The ideal size is half an inch. 

    Your candle is ready!

    (Image: boxwoodavenue.com)

    I hope you like it. It’s easy and fun to do. You can also consider this as a gift for your friends.

    • Simonette C Simonette C :

      These look so amazing!! And it's always a good idea to make your own candles (or anything really) because you know what's inside them. Can't wait to give it a try :)

      5 years ago 
      • I. M I. M :

        I'm happy you like it! If you try, you can also send me pictures of it :)

        5 years ago 
    • Lexi L Lexi L :

      They're so pretty! Definitely need to try making these <3

      5 years ago 
    • :

      I've just started making my own candles as I was sick of being stuck in the house with nothing to do. I bought a starter candle making kit from www.scentssoapsandcandles.co.uk and am now trying out different fragrance oils - my husband says I am getting hooked on this!

      4 years ago 
    • Jess L Jess L :

      I love the flower, looks like is a sunflower! they are all beautiful. DIY ideas is so much fun x 

      4 years ago 

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