

3-Step Dark Chocolate Mousse Recipe with Cherries

3-Step Dark Chocolate Mousse Recipe with Cherries

    * 300 g good-quality dark chocolate, roughly chopped * 3 eggs (room temperature) * ¼ cup (55g) sugar * 1 tbsp cocoa powder (sifted) * 300ml whipping cream * Cherries for decoration
    30 minutes preparation; 1 hour cooling   Minutes

    To all chocolate lovers,

    The fruit season is here. But this doesn’t mean that we have to say no to our favorite snack. Instead, why not combine both to create the perfect summer dessert in just 3 steps. This easy recipe is my absolute personal favorite! It takes only 30 minutes to be prepared and after cooled, it is a lovely fusion of flavors, combining freshness of seasonal fruit and bitter-sweetness of a bar of chocolate.

    Step 1:

    Melt dark chocolate, using a heatproof bowl. Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water (do not let the water boil). When completely melted, set aside to cool slightly.

    Step 2:

    Beat the eggs with sugar for 5 minutes (with a mixer), or until the mixture becomes white and doubled in volume. Fold in cocoa powder with the cooled melted chocolate until you get a smooth consistency.

    Step 3:

    In another bowl, whip cream until thickened (it is important not to over-beat it). Gently fold the cream into the chocolate mixture, using a spatula to keep the mixture light and fluffy.

    Finally, separate the mixture into 6 serving glasses and chill in the fridge for at least an hour. Decorate the chocolate mousse with cherries or to your preference before serving.

    What better way to enjoy the hot summer days, than sharing this fresh and light chocolaty dessert with your fellow chocolate lovers!



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    • Chelf D Chelf D : Oh my this looks delicious! I have to make the recipe for my boyfriend!
      6 years ago 
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