6 eggs 100gms ham A cup of milk Cumin Paprika Garlic granules Olive oil Salt to taste 3 large potatoes 1 Onion 100gms asparagus 100 gms Cheddar cheese 200gms Gouda cheese
    1hr   Minutes


    How's everyone today? I hope you all had a great weekend and are still enjoying this holiday break. I am also doing fine and getting ready to travel soon though no packing has been done and I know I need to start pretty soon. Today I am back with another post and obviously with my love for food, a recipe is definitely in order. This delicious ham, potatoes & asparagus frittata will totally make you drool and make it for either breakfast, lunch or dinner. I make frittatas when I need something quick to prepare. I still have a very bad sensitivity to eggs but for the sake of you guys I did taste it and I must say that it was heavenly, I ended up suffering for a few hours but I am good now. 



    • In a large bowl, crack in your eggs, add milk, half of the ham and your cheddar cheese and mix them altogether.
    • Peel your potatoes and chop them into bite-sized cubes and then chop up your asparagus too but not too small.
    • In a preheated skillet, pour a tablespoon of olive oil and in go your chopped onion and sweat them for a while.
    • Then in go your potatoes and ½ a teaspoon each of the spices and stir until well combined. This is also a great time to season with some salt and make sure not to overdo it due to the cheese being a bit salty.
    • Once that's done, go in with your asparagus and stir them altogether, you could add 3 tablespoons of water if the potatoes are sticking to the pan but you don't really have to.
    • After a few minutes, take your combined egg mixture and pour it all over the potatoes and asparagus and make sure to make it all even.
    • Then take the remaining ham pieces and sprinkle at the top, don't disturb the mixture just let the eggs set for a while.
    • Then it's time for the cheesy goodness and in goes your gouda cheese, I just sprinkle all over the top evenly.
    • Once that's done, into a preheated oven at 180°C until done mine took 10 minutes then I finished it off with the grill to just brown the cheese on top.
    • Serve and enjoy.


    Quick tip: I didn't cook my potatoes and asparagus when they were raw since it would take longer, so I microwaved them until they were just tender and were able to hold their shape and they were perfectly cooked once they came out of the oven. If you choose to cook them raw then you will need to sautee them a bit longer until tender.

    That's it, my delicious ham, potatoes & asparagus frittata. I hope you do get to try it and tell me what you think of it. Also if you haven't subscribed to my cooking channel yet, please do below and thank you for the support. In case you missed my posts last week, do check them out here and here. If you have any questions do ask in the comments below and until next time see yah.

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