Healthy Choc Chip Cookie Dough Balls

    For the cookie dough balls: 150g chickpeas (in water, not brine) 2 teaspoons maca powder Dash of pink Himalayan salt 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 3 medjool dates 3 tablespoons coconut milk 1 tablespoon coconut sugar 1/2 cup oat flour 1/4 cup desiccated coconut 50g dark chocolate For the choc nut butter drizzle: 1 teaspoon almond butter 2 tablespoons coconut milk 1 teaspoon cocoa powder Cocoa nibs (optional)
    15   Minutes

    To see my other recipes please visit my website:

    1. In a food processor, throw in the chickpeas, maca powder, salt, vanilla essence, dates and coconut milk and blend until it’s a smooth consistency.
    2. Scrape into a bowl and measure in the coconut sugar, oat flour and desiccated coconut. Mix until well combined.
    3. Either grate the chocolate or cut it into tiny chunks then add it to the bowl. Use a spoon to mix it in until combined. Do not mix too much or the chocolate may incorporate into the dough.
    4. Use about 1 tablespoon of dough and roll into balls (do it quickly so the chocolate doesn’t melt in your hands) and put them on a plate. The mixture will be a little sticky but this gives it the cookie dough texture.
    5. Once all the balls are made, it’s time to make the choc nut drizzle.
    6. In a small bowl, mix the almond butter, coconut milk and cocoa powder together. It should be runny.
    7. Drizzle it over the balls until it has all been used up.
    8. Sprinkle some cocoa nibs on top and you’re done!
    9. Eat responsibly ;)

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