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Yesterday, when my friend came for a dinner, I decided to make a quick, easy, and delicious dessert. She was a bit suspicious when I brought a marshmallows bag, saying she’s on a diet, and won’t eat it. I said “sure” and continued with the recipe.
Also, if you to try another dessert I made, take a look here for the Napoleon Cake.
Here it is:
Step 1: place the marshmallows onto the baking paper and put them into the oven until they soften a bit and get a brownish layer
Step 2: in the meantime, melt the chocolates placing them into a thick plate above the boiling water.
Step 3: crush some crackers, placing them on top of the marshmallows and around them. You can add other toppings if you want.
Step 4: pour the melted chocolates over the mix of toppings. You will have a beautiful mix of white and dark chocolate. Place the dish with the mixture into a freezer for about 35-40 minutes. Cut them into large pieces and enjoy!?
My friend, by the way, couldn’t resist it! She really enjoyed it. And, I hope you will enjoy it too!❤️
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