



    sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, oats, dates, maple syrup, salt.
    8h soaking, a few minutes blending   Minutes

    Moo milk is out.

    We now have much, much better, white-ish glossy options to dunk our cookies in. Whether you’re doing it because you realized that the cow is not your mom, for the numerous health benefits or for the shake of the environment we salute you!

    If you are gonna rock a white mustache note that cruelty free is the sexy way to go.

    The transition to veganism was never a big deal to me. It just happened effortlessly and I never felt restricted or deprived. I basically eat a rainbow and strut around like a cruelty-free ginger unicorn. (Ok, maybe I don strut around but I do eat a rainbow and feel perfectly satisfied with my diet) The only thing for me was milk in my tea. That was my bread and butter. British at heart, I find immense comfort in a lovely cup of strong tea with a splash of milk at the beginning of, at the end of and during a hard day.

    When I’m in the UK finding inexpensive vegan milk is a piece of cake. I gulp down a weeks’ worth of non-dairy milk in a couple of days, out of a vegan version of FOMO.

    It’s a real thing don’t google it.

    But when I’m in Greece I have to face the sad fact that a liter of plain soy milk will set me back 3, 50 euros each time.Nope. I refuse to buy expensive food because as a chef I happen to be aware of the actual cost of things, and also I would very much rather put that money in a piggy bank and save for my next pair of PRADAS.

    So I had to be creative and develop a few vegan milk recipes that require zero cows, zero effort and nearly zero bucks.

    Yum Yum guaranteed.


    This one is a crowd pleaser, earthy, nutty and substantial it won’t curdle in your coffee and is easily digestible too.

    Homemade Sunflower Seed Milk
    1 cup raw sunflower seeds / soaked for 8 hours /
    3 cups water
    pinch of sea salt
    splash of lemon
    1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract
    to 3 tablespoons pure maple syrup/ or other sweetener /

    Drain, and discard the soaking liquid. Rinse several times.Throw the rinsed sunflower seeds, water, and salt in your blender, and blast on high for 30 to 60 seconds, until the nuts are completely pulverized. Use unrefined to maximize nutrition. Or strain for a smoother, more commercial-style milk for use in recipes.To strain, place a milk bag or knee-high piece of sheer nylon hosiery over the opening of a glass bowl, jar or jug. You can also use a very fine strainer.Pour the milk into the bag, twisting the bag closed, and gently squeezing it to pass the liquid through.Rinse your blender container, and pour the strained milk back in. Add the vanilla, lemon and sweetener, and blast again, until smooth and creamy.


    Often praised for their health benefits sesame seeds not only are they an excellent source of copper and a very good source of manganese, but they are also a good source of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc, molybdenum, selenium, and dietary fiber. This is a great recipe for people with nut allergies.

    Homemade Sesame Milk 
    1 cup / 130g Sesame seeds
    3 cups / 700ml Water
    3-6 Dates, pitted
    1 tsp Cinnamon (optional)
    1 tsp Vanilla (optional)
    a pinch of Salt

    Soak the sesame seeds in water with a pinch of salt.Leave for 8 hours or overnight then drain off the water and rinse well.Add the seeds, dates and water to a blender and blend on high for 2-3 mins until all the seeds are finely ground.Pour into a nylon milk bag / cheesecloth with a large bowl underneath.Squeeze all of the moisture out using your hands and then stir in the cinnamon and/or vanilla if desired.


    Yummy oats now in liquid form.

    Known for their high protein and fiber as well as iron, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins B, oats are low in sugar, fat and calories.

    This version is creamy-dreamy and if you skip the sweeteners it will work perfectly for creamy sauces as a substitute of heavy cream.

    Homemade Oat Milk
    1 cup rolled oats
    4 cups water
    1 pinch salt
    3-4 dates, pitted  or 1 Tbsp (15 ml) maple syrup
    1/2 tsp vanilla extract

    Add oats, water, salt, and any additional add-ins (cocoa powder maybe?) to a high-speed blender. Blend until the mixture is well combined. It doesn't have to be 100% pulverized. In fact, over-blending can make the oat milk slimy in texture.Scoop out a small sample with a spoon to test flavor/sweetness. If it's not sweet enough, add more dates.Pour the mixture over a large mixing bowl or pitcher covered with a very thin towel / a cheese/milk cloth or a fine strainer.


    This one is here to stay. Loaded with good oils, vitamins, and minerals that have tons of health benefits like balancing and regulating hormones. With a pinch of cinnamon you will crave autumn and grey skies. I’ll put the kettle on, you bring the cookies.

    Homemade Pumpkin Seed Milk
    ½ cup raw pumpkin seeds
    2 cups water
    ½ tsp cinnamon
    1/16 tsp cloves
    1 tsp vanilla
    1 – 2 tbsp maple syrup

    Soak pumpkin seeds in 1 cup water overnight or at least for a few hours.Strain the seeds. Rinse well. Place them in a blender.Add in 1 cup water and all remaining ingredients. If you want a chocolate milk version, add some cocoa powder at this stage. Blend on high for a few minutes until everything is smooth.Strain contents through a milk bag / cheese cloth / fine strainer


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