

Quarantine Breakfast: Overnight Oats with Berries, Chia Seeds, and Peanut Butter

Quarantine Breakfast: Overnight Oats with Berries, Chia Seeds, and Peanut Butter

    • Oat flakes • Soya Milk • Organic Peanut Butter • Chia Seeds • Honey • Frozen blueberries & raspberries
    5   Minutes

    Good morning ladies!

    As many of the surrounding countries, yesterday the Netherlands announced the quarantine. From today onwards, we are all staying at home.  

    I think it’s a good idea and hoping to make the best out of my time home. Yesterday I decided to make myself overnight oats, in order to start my first day working from home a bit more pleasant.

    Also, if you to take a look another good recipe for your breakfast click here.

    I loved how it turned out and therefore sharing the recipe with you:

    Step 1: Add a regular amount of oats you’d generally cook into a bowl.

    Step 2: Add soya (or any other) milk so, that it covers the oats fully, creating a liquid layer of milk.
    Step 3: Add a tablespoon of peanut butter, two tablespoons of chia seeds (distributed equally on the surface), a handful of frozen berries. Splash some honey on top of the dish.

    Step 4: Leave the bowl resting in your fridge overnight. Enjoy it in the morning with some freshly made coffee!❤️
    Have a good day and stay healthy!



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    • Hannah R Hannah R :

      This looks gorgeous! I adore PB (I think it's the one food I couldn't live without) however for some reason always get funny about mixing it with other things - this is a good one to try to get out of my comfort zone as I bet it tastes lush.

      4 years ago 
    • Marcela I Marcela I :

      I love good oats, that is one of my favorite breakfasts. It is very easy to do

      4 years ago 
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