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Hey everyone! I hope you are doing well. I came across this beautiful, creamy, delicious and most important healthy Pastas which I learnt during this pandemic. I basically tried cooking in quarantining and now I can't stop!! I am sure you guys must have also come across a recipe that you tried because of the trend like 'Dalgona Coffee' or 'Banana Bread'... yeah I tried it too...and that's how I came across this yummy recipe which has now become my go-to comfort food AND can easily fall under the Lazy day Sunday or Sunday Fun day category!!
So here we go...
- Spaghetti or Pasta of your choice- 1 packet
- Avocado- 1 pc
- Baby Spinach or Regular Spinach- 1/2 Bunch
- Yoghurt- 3 Tablespoons
- Garlic- 5-6 cloves
- Jalapenos - 1-2 pc (Optional, I like it spicy. You can add any veggies of your choice.)
- Salt as per taste.
- Herbs and Red pepper flakes for Garnish( Optional, you can add Black Pepper as well instead of red pepper flakes)

- Heat a utensil to boil the water.
- Once the water starts boiling, add the spinach leaves into the boiling water and remove it in 10-15 seconds and then wash it with cold water for few seconds and keep them aside. This is how you blanch spinach leaves.
- In a blender/mixer, add the avocado, blanched spinach, 1-2 garlic cloves, 3 tablespoon of yoghurt and blend until smooth.
- Take a pan and heat 1-2 tablespoon of oil.
- Add rest of the garlic, chopped and sauté until golden brown.
- Add chopped jalapenos or any choice of veggies and sauté for few minutes. ( I like them crunchy.)
- Add the sauce from the blender and let it boil of 1-2 minutes.
- Add salt and then add the pasta of your choice. (Spaghetti works the best!)
- Garnish it with Oregano and Red Pepper Flakes.
Note: I do not add any kind of cheese in this recipe as it is not required because it is already creamy and also it doesn't taste good. However, if you like, you can garnish it with Parmesan Cheese.
Tip: Pasta tends to soak up all the sauce so my recommendation is to keep to the sauce and pasta separate and just add the sauce to your pasta bowl while serving.
This recipe is really worth trying and you should definitely try this! Let me know in the comments if you have already tried it or you make it differently. Please do add in comments some tips and tricks in making this dish better. Also let me know If you are trying the dish for the first time and if you liked it!
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Julia M :
OMG! All my fave ingredients together
Parmi P :
And they taste amazing!! Literally my favorite Pasta!!
Julia M :
I tried it this weekend! Made a bit too much pasta for the sauce, but was still very good! Thank you for sharing!
Parmi P :
That’s awesome. The tip is to keep the sauce and the pasta separate and add it in your plate accordingly like if someone wants more sauce.. they can add the sauce..etc.
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