I LOVE making a special effort with food on a weekend. In particular, I like us to have a special breakfast or brunch. Sitting together at the table as the sun streams through our kitchen window is my favourite way to start the weekend.
This recipe is for 2 people. I used 3 large eggs but if you like lots of scrambled egg then I recommend 4 eggs for 2 people. Bear in mind that the more eggs you add, the greater your 'splash' of milk will need to be.
How I make the perfect scrambled eggs for a special weekend brunch.
Step 1: Add your eggs, a splash of milk, salt and pepper to a mixing bowl or jug.
Step 2: Throughly whisk your egg mixture by hand. This makes the egg nice and fluffy.
Step 3: Heat your pan with a knob of butter.
Step 4: Keep your pan on a low heat and add the egg mixture to the pan. Stir often to avoid the mixture going dry.

When the egg is cooked to your liking, serve it with a thick slice of fresh, toasted bloomer bread and top it with thin slices of smoked salmon.
This brunch goes perfectly with a glass of fresh orange juice!
For more recipes and meal ideas, go to http://takeapawsblog.com/category/food/
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