

5 Great Style Goals to Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet

5 Great Style Goals to Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet

    With spring on our doorstep, the feeling of newness and exciting possibilities seems almost palpable! If you are in the same boat, wishing to make the most out of these next months, and turn 2021 into your best year yet, then this article is for you   

    Because through it, I want to inspire your sense of self-confidence, with the help of your personal style. More precisely, by sharing 5 great style goals that will help you express yourself in your authentic style with confidence:

    Go Through Old Pics More Often!

    A few days ago, I shared a little retrospective of my style evolution throughout the past 10 years. And I was so happy to see that it struck a cord with you guys following me there as well!

    Because, whether nostalgic or funny, a good throwback is something we can all relate to, right?

    But more than just leading us down a rabbit hole of memories, looking back at old pics with a fresh eye can also be great for setting new style goals.

    Remember that awesome top you used to wear all the time in college, and got so many compliments for? How about looking for a similar version of it for this year, but in a more luxe, elevated fabric?

    Or that signature ombré eyeshadow look that you used to be obsessed with? If you’re over it in make-up, why not get your next pair of eyeglasses framed in those hues?

    There’s always inspiration to be found externally, of course! But don’t discount the impact that reviewing your own looks can have on setting more intentional style goals.

    Psst! Have you already taken my personal style course? Then you’ve also discovered (and are hopefully consistently using) my favorite tool for keeping track of your outfits 

    If you haven’t bought the course yet… can you guess what it is?

    Curate Your Existing Wardrobe

    If you’ve been on the blog before, you might remember this article I wrote about the massive impact that wardrobe curation can have on your style.

    And it’s a subject I tackled again on Instagram these past days. Because I know that, as important as it is, this is also a harder habit to implement consistently!

    Because curating your closet is not a one-and-done. It’s a continuous action that involves time and attention as you build your dream wardrobe.

    Going through old clothes and accessories. Sorting, fixing, maintaining and reorganizing for the current season. Buying in a discerning manner, and letting go of what no longer serves you.

    As you can see, this is more than just tidying up your closet.

    But by implementing these steps regularly, you are setting the foundation for your ideal wardrobe. One that you will love, and which will suit you, your taste and your lifestyle long-term.

    Create More Sustainable Consumption Habits

    This is another subject I’ve written about a few times before, in different forms:

    *Talking about how we can do our part in slowing down fast-fashion

    *Looking at affordable ways to enjoy fashion more sustainably

    *Getting a feel for sustainable practices anyone can apply

    *Caring for our garments, so they last longer

    And I feel like, next to the obvious benefits for our environment, consuming fashion in a more mindful way is great also for a better defined sense of style.

    Because what I see repeatedly in my line of work is that by buying less and better, by shopping local first, by supporting a small atelier, you are effectively building a much more personal, and carefully thought-out style.

    And remember:

    Ultimately, you set your own style goals. You are in control of what you purchase and from where. And by going about it intentionally rather than impulsively, or only by following trends, you are already on the right path.

    Challenge Yourself to a No-Shopping Period

    Another great style goal you can set up for yourself is aiming for a no-shopping period. It can be as long or as short as you want- but I’d recommend giving it at least a month.

    This will allow you to play with your current wardrobe, register potential items that you might actually need buying, and even explore your relationship with clothing and shopping.

    As mentioned in my Q&A Style Masterclass, if you find yourself shopping excessively, it’s usually a sign of a recurring issue.

    I explored the main 2 causes in the video, along with suggested solutions. But, at the same time, I know it’s not exactly an easy habit to break out of alone.

    So, if you find yourself truly struggling with even a short self-imposed no-shopping period, drop me a DM! I’d love to discuss how we can work to help you tackle this.

    Go for a Full Style Transformation

    If you’ve tried the above goals already, and are now ready to truly take your style to the next level, a full style transformation might be exactly what you’re looking for!

    More than a simple makeover or image update, a style transformation’s goal is to help you reconcile your inner image with your external one.

    This is what I have seen repeatedly increasing women’s confidence level in their appearance and self-presentation. And it’s what forms the core of my Style Storyteller coaching program.

    If you’re excited to make a true difference in your self-confidence and personal styling skills in 2021, I’m excited to support you 1-on-1 along the way!

    If you made it until the end, I want to thank you so much for your time!

    While I initially wanted to write this piece in the absolute first days of 2021, I figured most of us were already probably knee-deep in goals back then.

    So I wanted to let the first weeks go by, for the dust to settle, and for a few of our regular habits to kick back in. And with Blue Monday coming up, I think a good dose of motivation might come in handy right about now!

    Because here’s the thing:

    If you decide on a goal for this New Year, I truly believe it will work out for you if you work for it. And that means fitting it in your actual life, probably for the long-haul.

    Good luck with your intentions-setting for the year, my dears! And if you do end up going with one of the above style goals, please drop me a DM to let me know how it’s going   

    Hugs from Amsterdam,


    • Martina F Martina F :

      Silvia! thanks for your good advices! Personally, when I was a teenager I used to just follow trends without thinking, but now I feel happier and more aware because I have created my own style!    

      3 years ago 
      • Silvia C Silvia C :

        And thank you, Martina for the feedback! I think this is something normal for almost every woman, in her style evolution. After all, that's how we learn: first by mimicking, and then by creating our own path. As long as we don't get stuck in the first part forever, it's all part of the process (and I'm glad to hear you are happy in your skin, and in your style   )

        3 years ago 
    • Julia M Julia M :

      Silvia, as always wonderful hands-on tips!  I actually had a non-shopping period (fashion-wise) for a while now, trying to identify what I want to do with my style going forward and looking for inspiration. If I look back at my old photos though - I was sort of clueless of what fits me and what does not, now I am way more comfortable with my style. Thank you  

      3 years ago 
      • Silvia C Silvia C :

        Thank you too, Julia! I am so glad to read this, looking back at pics can be such a powerful tool to help you realize where you started, and where you are now   

        3 years ago 
    • Rosalia T Rosalia T :

      Loved the post! Whenever I get desperate to shop or completely change my style, I actually force myself to go through a no shopping period and try to pay attention to the pieces I actually wear and items I may be missing that way I don't just buy random pieces 

      3 years ago 
      • Silvia C Silvia C :

        Thank you, Rosalia, much appreciated! That's a great way to do it- take a step back and contemplate, rather than act compulsively. How would you describe your current style?   

        3 years ago 
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