February Unboxing 2018 Tester Box

    Are you ready? New month and I just got this box I can't wait to share this moment with you!

    I must say I'm in love with this month design of the box and the note Love Yourself. Recently, I have read a post about self-love. I have had a problem of accept myself. In the past, I always asked myself why I am I the way I am, why I always must have my own opinion, why I think differently than my school mates. Now, I'm so glad that I have learned to love myself and accept me as me.

    Products that I got are:

    Lovables Shampoo - http://amzn.to/2HW50AV

    Le Narukvice - https://goo.gl/NNRuqy

    Bourjois Air Mat - https://bit.ly/2ozR2wpor http://bit.ly/2FKckPm

    La Roche Posay - http://bit.ly/2oFLn8r  and http://bit.ly/2t3Mp2q

    Ducray Keracnyl - http://amzn.to/2oK9yS7 or http://bit.ly/2FKN5fT

    Melvita - http://amzn.to/2F6drYCor http://bit.ly/2FLa0aY

    House of magic grass - stores - https://goo.gl/v6abPs

    Klorane shampoo with Citrus Pulp - http://bit.ly/2FLIiuO or http://bit.ly/2FL4OE0

    more click here


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