

Get Control Of Your Life | How to implement habits, routines and set realistic goals?!

Get Control Of Your Life | How to implement habits, routines and set realistic goals?!

    Are you feeling lost and don't know where to start with implementing routines and habits into your life? You'd like to get into a routine, but you don't know where to start. Or do you want to accomplish the goals you set for yourself, but they are either too easy or unreachable?

    If this sounds familiar then let me help you. As a former elite athlete, I know what it's like to set the bar too high for yourself, want to live every day with 1000% energy, and easily burn up. I also know what it's like to come from a really structured (elite athlete) environment and from one moment to another have to figure it all out on your own. Life can be overwhelming if you don't have specific goals in mind, maybe goals that were always there in your previous world but are now gone. For me personally, this was the case when I quit my elite career and had to find my identity without gymnastics back in the normal world. 

    Although in my opinion, this situation is not only applicable to former elite athletes. Maybe you are going to start college soon and have to transition from high school to college. Or you just graduated and have to - all of a sudden - think about your next goal in life. Maybe you come from a high-pressure (work) environment where goals and measurements were always set for you and now you have to set the bar for yourself. 

    Does any of these situations sound familiar to you? Then let me help you create your habits and routines, so you can still create that structure you were used to. And let me also help you set realistic goals for yourself, so you don't feel like you have to give 110% every single day. 

    If you want more information on the course click the link down below. And if you have any questions don't hesitate to DM me on Instagram or send me an email at info@actuallyanna.com

    Speak to you soon!

    xoxo Annaleid


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