Hello December - A Journal Entry - December 1st 2020

Hello December - A Journal Entry - December 1st 2020

    December is here and COVID-19 is still among us and even worse, Toronto and our neighbors are in lockdown! Yup it has happened yet again, and of course, we all are not in shock, dismayed perhaps, a little disappointed, upset because it's so close to Christmas and everyone wants to prepare; but not shocked. 

    (Photo by Geoff Robins / AFP) This image was taken from Google

    We are in lockdown mode till December 21st, but that doesn't mean anything. It means more waiting with bated breath on that day to see if we re-open or be shut down till the New Year 2021.  What will the New Year bring us?

    I hope that it won't be for too long as our economy is suffering. It already has been suffering but this has already been a blow for so many establishments and I feel horrid for all who are losing their source of income. How will they survive? How are they paying their bills? I know that I have a job and am thankful for that. My husband's shop is also suffering and he is essential, I can only imagine those businesses that are not essential. God help them.

    I hope that it brings us new hope and positive news and better health for all. I hope that this vaccine that comes out shortly will get us back to normality as quickly as this pandemic showed its ugly & deadly face.

    November to me was a pretty chill one.

    I made a promise to myself that the next time I visit Collingwood that I would take time to enjoy the sunset and the sunrise, and I did just that! I was tremendously happy with myself that at least I accomplished such a simple goal! Mind you I had to wake up pretty early on my vacation day to catch the sunrise, but it was well worth it!

    The sunset at my favorite place in Collingwood.

    The sunrise was insane, I got up mighty early for these shots. 

    Also on my agenda was to walk along Wasaga beach and I was lucky enough to do just that because the weather was absolutely gorgeous on the days that I visited. It was not busy at all and I enjoyed my time, and sat for a while, and loved the warm breeze and sun rays. 

    By Mid-November, we put up the Christmas tree. I love putting up our tree. It's white with pink ornaments and it's gorgeous. We make an afternoon of playing Christmas carols and sit down to a nice chicken pot pie that hubby made. 

    Towards the end of November, I got the opportunity to work from home. It was so amazing to not have to trek to work but instead after breakfast just head back upstairs to my study, log into my computer and start working! Totally amazing! 

    Tyberious (my dog) and I had fun on breaks and it was so strange to be able to complete household chores when I was on lunch too.

    Also this month Tyberious got a bath!

    Well, Christmas is around the corner and hopefully, you all will be as good as ready even though we've hit a bump in the road with in-person shopping.

    "Remember its not what's under the tree that matters, its whats around it."

    Christmas time always makes me a little sad because I think of my mother who has passed. I miss her especially on Christmas and I am especially quieter around this time of the year when most people are at their boisterous. I don't have a family, except the one I created. My husband and my children, but it's different. I really can't explain it. Those who have lost their own parents know what I mean, and so I just leave it at that.

    I would like to say that: Cherish your parents, you don't know how long you have with them. You may get annoyed once in a while because they call you a lot, they text excessively, they ask you a ton of questions, they want to know your whereabouts, they want to know your feelings, what your thoughts about this and that, they want to know your life, only because...

    They love you.

    Until next time, stay safe everyone!


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