

How You Can Gain 100% More Confidence Now

    Confidence wasn’t something that I was born with; not at all. I think that during secondary school bullying definitely affected how I felt about myself. It wasn’t just bullying that made me feel unconfident though; it also had to do with the fact that I was different and not really fitting in from my point of view. Luckily for me (and you today), I  realised something that made me 100% more confident than I was. Keep on reading to find out what it was!

    My life growing up was really fun I would say, but during a year or two in secondary school I was struggling a little bit with my mental health, especially the way I was seeing myself. I am sure that a majority of you have dealt with bullying or bad jokes in school. Looking back now, it’s not a big deal, but for a kid it’s a HUGE deal because at that age we don’t know who we are and what is our potential. We won’t even listen to our family’s kind words, all we seek is the bully’s approval. However, it stopped at some point and I was able to feel happy that finally I can enjoy my life which was really beautiful anyways! I started analysing myself even more and basically, I was feeling doubtful in myself because actually I was NOT fitting in. I was different. I had a different fashion style. I was an extrovert. I had opinions. I enjoyed different things. And that, affected me a lot. It was like, everything that I was doing had more consequences for me than for everybody else. Was I skipping school because I had a real reason? Andrada is in trouble now. Was I talking to someone during a class? Andrada got kicked out for 20 minutes.  Everyone else could go unnoticed, but not myself. WHY?

    Being always present and having a good relationship with lecturers meant that my actions were supervised really closely. Was that a bad thing? Absolutely not. They cared. I realised that being different is not a bad thing. Some people liked me, some didn’t. At least I was authentic and people who wanted me to succeed were supporting me, including the lecturers. Funny, but I only realised this in my last year of high school when actually lecturers were listening to my opinion and appreciating me for who I am & how hard I study. Take it like this, you need to get to know yourself, what you’re capable of and let others know it as well. If you don’t trust yourself, no one will. I finally learnt that gaining attention wasn’t a bad thing and realised I need to turn that in my favour. I gained a certain influence in class too. That massively helped me.

    Your turn now!

    Be authentic

    It’s being written everywhere and you’re probably BORED out of your mind. Trust me, being authentic is really important in a world where people can be really fake and sometimes not because they want to, but because they’re afraid to be themselves. Be who you are because by knowing who you are, you nail down your strengths and start to grow your confidence. Starting point: write down 10 things you really like about yourself and celebrate your own self! It’s such a confidence booster!

    Believe in your power to be successful

    If you believe in your power to succeed and actually achieve all your plans, your mind will send great signals to the universe and you’ll be one step closer to the end goal. Not only that, but your confidence levels will go to the roof. You’ll start talking with such passion about your projects and start to believe in yourself more and more!

    Enjoy the attention!

    With such confidence levels, expect people to be curious. They will start asking you all sort of questions from good intentions ones to some uncomfortable ones just because they can. Learn how to respond to each type of question and enjoy people’s attention. Again, people will be curious, but you shouldn’t let their opinion influence the way you think about your projects or even about yourself. Don’t listen to nasty comments and be happy for people who support you. You’ll be so much more confident!

    Influence others with your confidence…

    Turn their attention in the direction you decide. Confident people inspire other people and influence them in different ways. Have you noticed how someone who just started a business has a vast knowledge in the subject? They can easily use that to influence others in many areas and gain their respect. Always speak about your projects or plans with great knowledge (don’t boast) and let your actions speak louder than your words. People will see you’re smart and really driven. They will respect and value your opinion. Obviously, your end goal is not to prove everyone your potential, but this will inevitably happen sooner or later.

    There you have it, how I gained 100% more confidence while growing up! I’m sure my tips will help you feel more confident and get you ready to celebrate your own beautiful self. I would love to know, what’s the one part in this article that you identify yourself with?

    Until next time,


    Article originally posted on www.missandrada.com.

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