Job Searching

    Anyone that has ever gone through the excruciating process of job searching will agree that it's awful. Prior to COVID19, I may have said that those hit hard by this are recent university graduates; but right now the reality is that people in every field at all levels are currently back on the job market. I think we all can agree that searching for the first job in their field was an unending sequence of exhausting events and false hope. 

    There's always employers that will interview you, say that they'll get back to you by a certain day, even if it's to tell you that they gave the position to someone else... of course they never (okay, rarely) call you back even if you follow up with them. There's also the more recent shift of pretty well every job application being conducted online and seeing the number of applicants applying for the same position. I often received updates on applications a few days after my submission that said there were well over 1000 applicants, the average being around 600.

    The purpose of this post is really to remind people that this is a time where thousands are going through the same pain that you are and the easiest way to get through this is together (yes I know how cheesy that is) but it's true. If one other person you know is also struggling looking for a job, then send a message every morning with encouraging words and a confidence boost!

    My best friend of 10  years (Vidya) and myself have started sending these messages on our workdays because we both recently got jobs in healthcare that we're really struggling to settle into. This brings me to the second point of this post.

    Starting your first career job:

    The level of excitement, relief, and pure joy we both felt when we first got our career directed full time job offers (me as a clinical assistant, Vidya as a Registered Social Worker), kept us smiling for days and feeling like we could conquer the world and anything that was thrown at us.

    Unfortunately this did not last for either of us, we're both having a lot of trouble keeping up and just doing our best to stay afloat. We both really like the positions we got offered it's just that the challenges have been larger and more frequent than either of us bargained for. 

    One recommendation I do have, especially for younger job searchers and new graduates, is to remain in your current position even after you get your new position (if you can). I almost completely resigned from Sport Chek when I got my new job and then my manager talked to me and said he'd give me two weeks off to settle into my new job, and then I could call him with my final decision. I could not be more grateful that he offered me this; while my new position is more challenging than I thought, after 3 weeks of feeling spun out and constantly having new things thrown at me, it felt great to walk back into a job that I knew inside and out and to a place where I knew I was valued. If keeping a current position isn't a possibility, then try to create an outlet that provides you with the same comfort. 

    To conclude, you're not alone, this discomfort is temporary; be like Dory and "just keep swimming."

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