Favourite Drinks Coffee!
Favourite Songs All songs by T Swift and Lady Gaga.
Place you want to Visit Germany, Italy, London.
last loves:
If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
My Posts
Trial and Error in Career Searching
From 2013 to now, I've held a lot of jobs, especially for someone my age. Not because I stay
Leaving yourself something to look...
7 years ago I thought that by my mid twenties, I would have my own place, a steady relationship, a
Uncertainty in Career Starts and...
Everything in our lives is supposed to lead us to getting a full time job with benefits. Once you
Job Searching
Anyone that has ever gone through the excruciating process of job searching will agree that
Recovering From Failure
This has been a very prominent issue in my life for the past few years. I've failed courses in
Post University Life
People do different things when they graduate, in theory these are the options: - Travel $$ - Rest
Fear of Regret vs Fear of Failure
I've noted in an Instagram post that I frequently have people commenting on how when I come up
Re-Frame the Cliches
Let's start with the classic "it gets better". Don't get me wrong, the
5 Habits that Streamlined My Life
The feeling of rushing out the door at 5am and realizing halfway to work that I forgot something on
Coping Strategies for COVID-19
The only way I"m able to stay sane right now is by going outside (while keeping distance of
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