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"Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise".
-Les Miserables, Victor Hugo
When we have bad, bad times, we think that this won't end. That this will carry on and there isn't a way out. We feel defeated, we feel pummeled to the ground, that for the last time, probably won't make to it to see another day; because frankly we really don't want to.
We want the aching to stop, the pain to just disappear as though it never showed its ugly face. We want our minds to be wiped clean, and our minds to stop rewinding things we don't want to be reminded of. We want to escape and never come back.
When we have these dark moments, know that; even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise.
For when we find that inner strength within us, buried deep within the pit of our stomach and our heart, we will find ourselves again. We need to let it. Let it find us again. Our power within ourselves to get up and see how wonderful we are, and how much we have given to our society, given to our family, given to our friends. Know that we have value and that we are enough. Enough for ourselves. Enough to be proud of what we have achieved in our life. It doesn't have to be something really monumental, just something small we did and that is proud of.
We have meaning and we have a purpose. We may lose ourselves from time to time, but know we are human and that we stumble and hell maybe we've fallen, but we get up. We get up because we have will power and a strong mind to persevere the toughest times. We get up because we owe it to ourselves and we deserve to be happy and we deserve more than this.
We get up because even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise.
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