My minimalistic makeup collection 2020

    If I have learned something during this time, I love to get rid of the things I don't need!    It makes me feel so good and I don't know why. I am hoping that I am not the only one.

    Today I need to organized things in my draw. As you can see it is chaotic, I am embarrassed. I will sort that out pretty fast, then I will introduce to you my minimalistic collection. I am so proud that I didn't spend too much money on it. Recently, I decided I will buy no makeup until I finish with the products that already have.

    Now, all of my makeup is in this one box and sorted. And the draw is reserved only for the skincare products. I care more about skin because a lot of years I have had problems with acne and redness. I am working on healing my scars now. Hope you will enjoy this quick video.   



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