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One lesson I am taking away from my kittens is the amazing superpower they have- THE POWER OF NEVER GIVING UP. I saw them trying to get over a table once, and those little legs of theirs couldn’t reach the height so they kept falling and trying. This continued for about 30 minutes when finally one of them (there are two) made the cut. I was holding a plate of noodles and watching them be all cutesy and fun but meanwhile, I could not help but notice how they, not even for one moment, felt like it was not something they could not do. The did not consider giving up.
Have you ever heard of the saying that when you do not give up on something, the universe happens to conspire for it to happen? After all, it might be true. It is a beautiful thing to watch how great things are achieved when we decide not to give up and thanks to my kittens, I do not want to restrict this to just human beings.
The simple thought that you are capable of infinite things makes your heart goes mmmmmm...Now imagine you are trying to build a castle of cards and every single time you are just able to reach a floor which is just a number greater than the last time. So, for every single time you try, you are able to do better than the last time, and that is evidence in itself that you are capable of infinite possibilities. Sometimes you fail, sometimes you win. But isn’t winning and failing relative? Of course, it is.
No Regrets
Speaking of regrets, how did your proposal to your high-school crush go? I am sure many of you are still with your “high-school sweethearts” and that is only because you had mustered enough courage to ask them out in the first place. But, even if you did not end up with them after asking out, do you regret doing that? I am guessing No. You asked, you knew, you moved on. But, for those who did not and gave up easily, I hope you are doing fine. I hope you have forgiven yourself. You will find love again.
What’s The Worst That Can Happen?
The worst thing that can happen when you don’t give up is you will fail. Is that so bad? Not trying hard enough is way worse than losing. With failure, comes lessons, learning, the wisdom to talk about your experiences. But when you do not even try, and on some warm morning, your grandkids ask you why you couldn’t be a soccer player even though you loved it so much, you will not know what to tell them. Trust me, that very moment, you will look back and wish you had given it a shot. Therefore, it is very necessary to just seize the moment sometimes.
Maybe The Odds Are In Your Favor?
What if, like my kittens, you might be able to get up on that table, after all? When you work so hard for something, knowing pretty well that this is in your bag and you just have to keep pushing, it is a beautiful feeling to finally hold it in your hands. It is. Once you have tasted the flavor of hard work, it becomes addictive. When something is really important to you, giving up should be your last option.
But, I also want to remind you that in between all the trying and all the achieving, do not forget to take care of yourself, and do not be too hard on yourself. Achieve your goals but put yourself first. You are your own foremost goal.
Tell me about a favorite “not giving up” story of your own?
One lesson I am taking away from my kittens is the amazing superpower they have- THE POWER OF NEVER GIVING UP. I saw them trying to get over a table once, and those little legs of theirs couldn’t reach the height so they kept falling and trying. This continued for about 30 minutes when finally one of them (there are two) made the cut. I was holding a plate of noodles and watching them be all cutesy and fun but meanwhile, I could not help but notice how they, not even for one moment, felt like it was not something they could not do. The did not consider giving up.
Have you ever heard of the saying that when you do not give up on something, the universe happens to conspire for it to happen? After all, it might be true. It is a beautiful thing to watch how great things are achieved when we decide not to give up and thanks to my kittens, I do not want to restrict this to just human beings.
The simple thought that you are capable of infinite things makes your heart goes mmmmmm...Now imagine you are trying to build a castle of cards and every single time you are just able to reach a floor which is just a number greater than the last time. So, for every single time you try, you are able to do better than the last time, and that is evidence in itself that you are capable of infinite possibilities. Sometimes you fail, sometimes you win. But isn’t winning and failing relative? Of course, it is.
No Regrets
Speaking of regrets, how did your proposal to your high-school crush go? I am sure many of you are still with your “high-school sweethearts” and that is only because you had mustered enough courage to ask them out in the first place. But, even if you did not end up with them after asking out, do you regret doing that? I am guessing No. You asked, you knew, you moved on. But, for those who did not and gave up easily, I hope you are doing fine. I hope you have forgiven yourself. You will find love again.
What’s The Worst That Can Happen?
The worst thing that can happen when you don’t give up is you will fail. Is that so bad? Not trying hard enough is way worse than losing. With failure, comes lessons, learning, the wisdom to talk about your experiences. But when you do not even try, and on some warm morning, your grandkids ask you why you couldn’t be a soccer player even though you loved it so much, you will not know what to tell them. Trust me, that very moment, you will look back and wish you had given it a shot. Therefore, it is very necessary to just seize the moment sometimes.
Maybe The Odds Are In Your Favor?
What if, like my kittens, you might be able to get up on that table, after all? When you work so hard for something, knowing pretty well that this is in your bag and you just have to keep pushing, it is a beautiful feeling to finally hold it in your hands. It is. Once you have tasted the flavor of hard work, it becomes addictive. When something is really important to you, giving up should be your last option.
But, I also want to remind you that in between all the trying and all the achieving, do not forget to take care of yourself, and do not be too hard on yourself. Achieve your goals but put yourself first. You are your own foremost goal.
Tell me about a favorite “not giving up” story of your own?
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