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Do you know stress or anxiety can be a great enemy to your skin health? Yes, stress affects your skin resulting in a lot of skin issues like itching, rashes, breakouts, dry, flaky skin etc. There is a connection between your emotions with your skin. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to heal those skin problems. Since, stress is the part of your life, you can't ignore it. So, what matters is how to control it.
You know, whenever I get nervous I see red bumps on my T-zone. Once, my mom got severe itchy rashes, like hives on her neck. She visited the dermatologist and the doctor prescribed some medicines and suggested some lifestyle measures to control her stress. Anxiety can cause discomfort in your body to which our skin always respond. Well, let's know how stress affects skin and what may be the solution.
How does stress affect skin:
We all face different situations to get anxious about. May it be related to our job, our family or anything else. This is a constant struggle. When you stress, a chemical reaction happens in your body that makes the skin more sensitive and reactive. It shows our nervousness in various ways. It may trigger eczema, psoriasis, rashes and all.
Stress causes your body to produce cortisol hormones that stimulates the glands in our skin to produce more oil leading to your acne scene worse. When you are nervous, you can experience adrenaline rush that may cause wrinkles, dryness and pale complexion.
Remedies to deal with stress:
But, don't worry, we have a lot of techniques to deal with stress. I do them personally and here, I am going to share those remedies with you.
1. Exercise regularly:
The most important thing to combat stress. It's a proven fact that the persons who exercise regularly experience less anxiety than the persons who don't. I am not saying that you have to join a gym now. You can do it at your home too. I do yoga and meditation at home. You can go for a walk or start dancing. It's not necessary that you have to do this in the morning only. You can do these activities at any time of the day, but ensure that you do 3 hours before bed.
Exercise will lower the stress hormones, improve your sleep quality and increase your confidence level. In a word, it will promote your mental health, consequently physical well-being.
2. Sleep tight:
Get enough sleep everyday. Make it a priority. Stress affects our sleep schedule too. That causes under eye dark circles, eye bags, fine lines etc. But don't panic if you can't sleep at night. It will cause more stress. Some lifestyle changes may give you good night sleep.
- Turn the TV off atleast 2 hours before you hit the pillow.
- Don't pick up the phone, computer after 8 in the evening.
- Don't take coffee or tea after 4 PM.
- Dim the lights.
- Listen to soothing music.
- You can also light up a candle or aroma oil diffuser. Lavender and Rosemary essential oils are good for better sleep.
3. Eat right:
There is a close relation of stress levels with proper diet. Healthy and balanced meal work here. Eat a lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, fish those are high in Omega-3. Drink plenty of water. Green tea also helps to improve mental health.
Though, smoking, consuming tea, coffee or alcohol apparently may seem to reduce stress levels. Actually, they increase it. Avoid food high in fat and sugar, refined carbs (like potato chips) and dairy products like sweets, ice cream. Do you know dark chocolate acts as a mood enhancer? You can have them to compliment your sweet craving. Instead potato chips, munch pumpkin seeds.
4. Talk more:
Talk to the people who always support you in your struggle. It can be a good way to manage the stress. These people may be very less in number. But you need them. Their emotional support and friendly approach are very important to stay cheerful. Find them in your family or your social surroundings. It will give you the support you need. I always get my two sons beside me in my every struggle.
5. Travel:
Plan a trip to your favorite place atleast once a year. Whether, it is for a day or a fortnight, travel can reduce stress much. It's like getting away from all the negativities in your daily life. The fresh air, blue sky, green stretch or sunshine can help manage all negative emotions. It will also increase your productivity. I have seen that after every trip, I can work with more energy.
Some easy Tips:
Though these are very simple, believe me they effect a lot.
- Practice mindfulness. It's something really effective. If you can't do, take the help of any professional.
- Hug your loved ones for no reason. They may be your kids, your parents or husband or your best friend. A hug can make a huge difference. Go for it and let me know.
- Learn to say "No". Say no to anything or anyone gives you negative vibes.
- Revive your hobbies. You might be a good singer at your teenage. Your friends might always appreciate your sweet voice. Start singing again.
- Maintain a diary. Write your mind. Whatever makes you feel sad or nervous, just write them down.
- Read books. Buy some books on the subjects attract you the most. As I love to read short stories. So, every evening I keep some time to read the books from my favorite authors.
- Wear red lipstick. This enhances my mood immediately. Are you laughing? Try this bro! You're going to thank me.
So, here are the tips, tried and tested by me. I'm not a doctor. But I follow these rules to stay cheerful and lively in all my struggle. If you will try them, please share your feedback here. Do you have any other tips in your mind? Share here with us. We are all ear to hear them.
Thanks for reading.
Love from Shreemayee.
Do you know stress or anxiety can be a great enemy to your skin health? Yes, stress affects your skin resulting in a lot of skin issues like itching, rashes, breakouts, dry, flaky skin etc. There is a connection between your emotions with your skin. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to heal those skin problems. Since, stress is the part of your life, you can't ignore it. So, what matters is how to control it.
You know, whenever I get nervous I see red bumps on my T-zone. Once, my mom got severe itchy rashes, like hives on her neck. She visited the dermatologist and the doctor prescribed some medicines and suggested some lifestyle measures to control her stress. Anxiety can cause discomfort in your body to which our skin always respond. Well, let's know how stress affects skin and what may be the solution.
How does stress affect skin:
We all face different situations to get anxious about. May it be related to our job, our family or anything else. This is a constant struggle. When you stress, a chemical reaction happens in your body that makes the skin more sensitive and reactive. It shows our nervousness in various ways. It may trigger eczema, psoriasis, rashes and all.
Stress causes your body to produce cortisol hormones that stimulates the glands in our skin to produce more oil leading to your acne scene worse. When you are nervous, you can experience adrenaline rush that may cause wrinkles, dryness and pale complexion.
Remedies to deal with stress:
But, don't worry, we have a lot of techniques to deal with stress. I do them personally and here, I am going to share those remedies with you.
1. Exercise regularly:
The most important thing to combat stress. It's a proven fact that the persons who exercise regularly experience less anxiety than the persons who don't. I am not saying that you have to join a gym now. You can do it at your home too. I do yoga and meditation at home. You can go for a walk or start dancing. It's not necessary that you have to do this in the morning only. You can do these activities at any time of the day, but ensure that you do 3 hours before bed.
Exercise will lower the stress hormones, improve your sleep quality and increase your confidence level. In a word, it will promote your mental health, consequently physical well-being.
2. Sleep tight:
Get enough sleep everyday. Make it a priority. Stress affects our sleep schedule too. That causes under eye dark circles, eye bags, fine lines etc. But don't panic if you can't sleep at night. It will cause more stress. Some lifestyle changes may give you good night sleep.
- Turn the TV off atleast 2 hours before you hit the pillow.
- Don't pick up the phone, computer after 8 in the evening.
- Don't take coffee or tea after 4 PM.
- Dim the lights.
- Listen to soothing music.
- You can also light up a candle or aroma oil diffuser. Lavender and Rosemary essential oils are good for better sleep.
3. Eat right:
There is a close relation of stress levels with proper diet. Healthy and balanced meal work here. Eat a lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, fish those are high in Omega-3. Drink plenty of water. Green tea also helps to improve mental health.
Though, smoking, consuming tea, coffee or alcohol apparently may seem to reduce stress levels. Actually, they increase it. Avoid food high in fat and sugar, refined carbs (like potato chips) and dairy products like sweets, ice cream. Do you know dark chocolate acts as a mood enhancer? You can have them to compliment your sweet craving. Instead potato chips, munch pumpkin seeds.
4. Talk more:
Talk to the people who always support you in your struggle. It can be a good way to manage the stress. These people may be very less in number. But you need them. Their emotional support and friendly approach are very important to stay cheerful. Find them in your family or your social surroundings. It will give you the support you need. I always get my two sons beside me in my every struggle.
5. Travel:
Plan a trip to your favorite place atleast once a year. Whether, it is for a day or a fortnight, travel can reduce stress much. It's like getting away from all the negativities in your daily life. The fresh air, blue sky, green stretch or sunshine can help manage all negative emotions. It will also increase your productivity. I have seen that after every trip, I can work with more energy.
Some easy Tips:
Though these are very simple, believe me they effect a lot.
- Practice mindfulness. It's something really effective. If you can't do, take the help of any professional.
- Hug your loved ones for no reason. They may be your kids, your parents or husband or your best friend. A hug can make a huge difference. Go for it and let me know.
- Learn to say "No". Say no to anything or anyone gives you negative vibes.
- Revive your hobbies. You might be a good singer at your teenage. Your friends might always appreciate your sweet voice. Start singing again.
- Maintain a diary. Write your mind. Whatever makes you feel sad or nervous, just write them down.
- Read books. Buy some books on the subjects attract you the most. As I love to read short stories. So, every evening I keep some time to read the books from my favorite authors.
- Wear red lipstick. This enhances my mood immediately. Are you laughing? Try this bro! You're going to thank me.
So, here are the tips, tried and tested by me. I'm not a doctor. But I follow these rules to stay cheerful and lively in all my struggle. If you will try them, please share your feedback here. Do you have any other tips in your mind? Share here with us. We are all ear to hear them.
Thanks for reading.
Love from Shreemayee.
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