I have been thinking about this for a long time if I suppose to do that or not?! Should I let post this article or not… For a few weeks there is still some small unfinished article which is sitting right here and sadly staring at me. For these ongoing days I am write more into my own personal notepad instead of blog. My inner inspiration has been traveling around the world before it finally found its way back to me to my heart. But after all I decided I am going to share my feelings with you. If this is going to help at least one of you to achieve your own dreams than this article fulfilled its own meaning! ...

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Hey all :))
Traveling with Crohn’s disease or all things are possible to it who believes! | Cover the Road
yours Kate with LOVE :))
---> covertheroad.com!
Do you like it? Follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram ---> @covertheroadcom! xxx
Deirdre R : This is great info. I also have this autoimmune disease and have found some relief.
Kate K : Thank you for your words :)
Jasmin N : Autoimmune diseases are the worst. I have rheumatoid arthritis, which is autoimmune disease but not close as bad as crohns. Glad to hear you’ve managed to find a way to travel with it!
Kate K : Thank you for your nice words and support :) Together we are strong! Every illness has bad times sometimes and we have to find some compromise.
Rye S : Hi, Kate! I'm sorry about what you're going through. Crohn's Disease is probably one of the last things you wish to have, given that you're a traveler and you'd love to try new foods. But based on your full article, you seem to be at ease with your disease. Keep on traveling! I agree with you that you should prioritize joy and fulfillment than staying at home and wishing things were better.
Kate K : Thank you for your nice words and support :) I am women in action :)
Priya R : It takes a lot of strength to write about it. Awesome post. All the best for your travels.
Kate K : Thank you so much :)
Indu I : Your words touched me. Emotional read for me. May you fulfill your all travel dreams.
Kate K : Thank you for your nice words and support :) xxx
Euroasia Fashion B : So sorry to hear about this kind of disease you have. But in another side I just so impressed about how the way you live your life, so much positive thinking. My best wishes and I hope you can through this hard time and I hope all your dream come true. xo
Kate K : Thank you so much :) Every has something and I try to stay always positive :) xxx
Berangere G : I am sorry you are touched by this disease but I am happy to hear you find a way to live and even to travel with it. Very inspiring!
Kate K : Thank you so much :) xxx
Agnes V : I know 2 people with the disease and they are managing it and face challenges sometimes. Thanks for sharing our experience.
Kate K : Thank you too! xxx
Amy L : This is great! No limitations! I am glad you are finding your way.
Kate K : Sometimes is hard to find way but I try my best :) xxx
Taylor S : i understand completely! i have multiple genetic disorders and heart problems and i always try to push myself just to prove i can! sometimes it doesn't always go well though!
Kate K : Thank you and so so sorry for it. Lots of positive vibes to you! xxx
Nina B : It's definitely inspiring to read. I'm all for travel and I love to hear stories of people making it work despite tough circumstances.
Kate K : Thank you so much for your support! xxx
Christine D : I am sorry to hear what you are going through. You are so inspiring. Despite your Crohn's disease, it is not a barrier to do things that you want in life. I hope that all your dreams come true. You are so strong!!
Kate K : Thank you so much for your support! :) xxx
Emily T : I greatly understand your pain. It is a daily battle that most people you meet will never truly understand. I also understand the hesitation to traveling with it. I can barely sit for a couple hours at a time without needing to move or change position. Don't let life hold you back! There are ways around the discomfort.
Kate K : Thank you so much for your support! I always try my best and the positive vibes to you. xxx
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