Video editing era do you need THIS

    If we are honest with ourselves, we know that pandemic has changed us all. The world has been in crazy mode, and humans were in survival mode. We are social beings. Tech things have become more of a part of our life than ever before. It was good because, at the same time, we discovered that a lot of this we can do remotely. We have got a chance to spend together with family and pressed pause for a moment. We started to be more aware of the fast lifestyle that we have. Constantly, we are in a rush to be somewhere or to get something, etc. When the world pressed pause... We have had all the time in the world to do reflection and get to know ourselves better.

    That has brought us to capture more of our own lives. We started to be more aware of how we can help others. The answer was by telling our personal stories and knowledge to others. I am not speaking the traditional meaning of telling the story. What I mean is throughout the videos. The new way is more fun. You can have visual content, and digital content creators have started to get attention from others. I felt like I am not alone in this. I need to make the best of the current situation. 

    In the process, I began to see how much joy filming brings me. I love to share knowledge, teach and help people. Others can learn from my mistakes, you don't have to make the same as me. In the past, we couldn't go on google to search for something and learn at the moment. Think twice before you take things for granted.

    After a rather long intro, it leads us to the star of this post. It is my new GoPro Hero 11 Black. That is a small not-in-your-face camera, which is perfect for beginners and you don't need to have a scar of bringing attention to yourself. Don't be afraid to check out the video. 😉

    Nowadays, the camera quality on your mobile is fantastic.  I am not the type of someone who wants to have everything on the phone. For me, the phone is equal to business. There are pretty crucial data for me. I don't want it to crush it by accident (because I know it to be very clumsy). If I destroy it, then I don't have anything... GoPro is less expensive than my data and iPhone. 

    With the GoPro, you can get unique point o view (POV) clips and main clips of what you are filming. The new model has some impressive formats of videos. The most recent format on GoPro is 8:7 (almost perfect square). This gives you the option that you can crop vertically or horizontally. That is good because you can have one video shoot, one time for multiple formats. If you have ever tried to film, you can agree it is not that simple to make the video interesting to watch. You can even pull out high-quality pictures from the video you have already filmed (only through the official GoPro app). 

    My first video is more of unboxing and some must-have accessories for vlogging. The Volta and Media mod are a must. In matter, you can't afford both accessories. My choice would be Media mod. Then, later on, you can invest in Volta.

    I won't go too much into specification. I think there are a lot of videos like that on YouTube.

    If you like to have the option to make filming easy and fun, you have a lot to choose from (both original and third-party companies). 

    I think vlogging can be so much fun, you have so many options for filming with such a small camera. That has inspired me to make a second video with a GoPro. The central theme of an easy way how to vlog with that action camera. I understand that not everything is for everyone, but it is fun to try. If you want to start vlogging or filming in general and you have the budget. I am highly suggesting to check this camera a go. It will make it so much fun during filming and it is not hard to handle the settings. You have an easy and pro menu. On the other hand, you have so many more specific videos for this camera that you can learn in no time. 

    P.S. This camera is also less scary than a mirrorless one to start filming on. 

    This video is created to give you an idea and how fun the filming process can be with such a small camera in your hands. Sometimes I even forget that it is on. 😛

    In life, you will get choices, and opportunities it is all you in the end. Do you want to take a risk and try something or do you want to pass that? 

    In some things, you will get more opportunities. Perhaps you won't get opportunities like this anymore. Is a wheel of life. Eder way it's your decision in the end.

    Let's film something for your shelf of the moments. Help your younger self. 


    P.S. I don't have an affiliate link, but they have some Black Friday deals. I think they will have more...



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