Weekly Spiritual Guidance Blog 08/11/2020 to 15/11/2020

Weekly Spiritual Guidance Blog 08/11/2020 to 15/11/2020

    Good Afternoon all 

    Thank you for joining me this week for another weekly spiritual guidance blog. 

    I'm so sorry I have missed last weeks post my energy was extremely low , but I'm here this week with another fantastic  spiritual connection for you all. 

    Let me just remind you all that my spiritual guidance blogs are for entertainment purpose only.

    Take what resonates  and leave the rest.

    For all signs and elements for the week commencing 08/11/2020 to 15/11/2020 

    Lets get straight to it ....... 

    I'm sat on the floor in a old rundown house leaves are blowing around me and the paint is peeling off the walls.

    There are holes in the floor , windows are broken , Its icy cold and so uninviting. 

    I really feel a sense of loss and confusion, I feel there is no hope.

    Where do I start?

     How do I fix this? 

     Can I make progress? 

    As I start to walk around the house , I see a flower growing on a window ledge Just outside of a small window. 

    I paused for a while , it was then that I realised that the universe doesn't care about materialistic surroundings . 

    Beauty can grown in all kinds of places , with just a bit of effort and patience. 

    Life will teach us all kinds of lessons .

    It will teach us that nothing that's worth having will come easy, We need solid foundations to build and create around us. 

    We need love and laughter to uplift our souls , and we need heartbreak to make us stronger and wiser. 

    I feel for a lot of you this is what your inuring now , your finding the time to strip back all the layers of our souls to get back to your solid foundations and building the life you want and deserve. 

    Your removing blockages and finding the the beauty in all kinds of situations and experiences. 

    Your evolving not adjusting  as your world is changing around you. 

    Tarot Card Reading

    1st Card

    When the Five of Pentacles is upright  it could mean many things. 

    It may mean that you've fallen on bad times.

     It could mean that you're not taking care of your physical health. 

    Now is when you need to prioritize your health and wellness.

    It could also mean you're facing economic setbacks. In that case, if someone offers to help, let them. And remember that these bad times will not last forever.

    Five of pentacles in love if you are single you may be feeling rejected by someone you were interested in, or you may just be feeling lonely. 

    If you're in a relationship, this can signify a breakup or that you're feeling unloved. It might also mean that your partner is going through a rough time and it's causing problems in your relationship.

    2nd Card 

    With the Seven of Swords is reversed  it can mean you feel like a fraud or a phony even if you're not. You or someone near you might be engaging in acts of deception or harbouring big secrets.

    Your holding back on speaking your truth but also coming to a realisation of your true feelings surrounding a situation. 

    Its never to late to make a change. 

    The Seven of Swords in love is an indication of betrayal and lies.

     If you're single, it means you should be careful when meeting new potential partners. 

    It can also indicate that you need to be more honest in your approach to relationships. If you're in a relationship, it can mean there is some betrayal, dishonesty, or bad action happening. It's not necessarily enough to end the relationship, but it should be addressed.

    For your own sanity you need to either work at your situation or put it to bed and move on. 

    3rd Card 

    When the Queen of Cups is upright it means you feel and think as she does. 

    Have you received an intuitive message? 

    Have you been moved by another's pain? Are you aware of the emotional climate? 

    Do you trust your own heart? 

    The Queen of Cups encourages you to tap in to the feminine, and know that the women in your life have your back. She also wants you to treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and love.

    The Queen of Cups in love is an indication that things will be looking up in this department. 

    If you are single, it means it is time to put yourself out there and be willing to accept the love you deserve.

     If you are in a relationship, you should plan some romance with your partner. 

    That said, the Queen of Cups loves love, so make sure to keep at least a part of your foot on the ground when she comes calling. You don't want to get too carried away!

    4th Card 

    When the Knight of Pentacles is upright it means you have some, if not all, the characteristics of the Knight.

     You need to find out whether these aspects of the Knight of Pentacles are helpful or harmful to you. Are you working very hard? 

    Do you refuse to listen to reason? 

    Are you surrounded by an aura of gloom and doom?

     These are indications that it's time to find balance and make changes.

    The Knight of Pentacles in love means stability.

     If you're single, this card indicates that you're ready for a serious relationship and may soon find someone who's ready to provide you with the security and support you want.

     If you're in a relationship, this card means your commitment is solid.

    So stop looking for faults. 

    5th Card 

    When the Chariot card is reversed  it symbolizes defeat, failure, and being vanquished. 

    It also indicates feelings of being out of control and not on top of a situation. 

    It might also mean it is time to reassess your wants, desires, and goals and make sure everything is in alignment with your best interests.

     Only then can you forge ahead.

    The Chariot card in love is all about being self-sufficient and fine on your own. 

    If you're single, it means you love your freedom and should make sure the other person truly deserves you before you enter a relationship.

     If you're in a relationship, it might mean that you and your significant other are good partners for taking on challenges together.

    6th Card 

    When the King of Pentacles is upright  it's time for you to emulate the King in his actions. 

    You must be steadfast in keeping your commitments to others and to yourself. 

    You must support and sponsor new ventures and provide an environment of steady, reliable competence.

     In other words, you are the backbone, and you will make it all happen with a little hard work and a lot of reliability.

    The King of Pentacles in love means you take love seriously and are in a secure place. 

    If you're single, it means someone steady and upright is headed your way.

     If you're in a relationship, it means you're just going with the flow. 

    Under the deck 

    When the Two of Cups is upright  you need to look for the connections, especially one-on-one connections, in your life. 

    This is the time to join forces, to work as a partnership.

     The Two of Cups is not just a symbol of harmony in romantic relationships, it can also mean mutual appreciation in your friendships and other relationships.

    Stop holding back due to fear of the response. 

      The Two of Cups in love is a really good card to get in this area. 

    If you're single, it means you have a new romance forming or that someone you have been longing for feels the same way about you. 

    If you are in a relationship, this is a very good omen that means you may be with your perfect partner.

     This is an indication that it's time to take things to the next level.

    Final Message from the Angels 

    Your angels have a very special and specific answer to your question. 

    You can expect to see signs right away that will have deep meaning to you. 

    Many people see white feathers to indicate that their angels are with them. Or they may smell scents from their childhood that they connect with a family member.

    Signs require focused attention, so be awake to the possibilities.

     Don’t mistake synchronistic events for mere “coincidences” at this time. They are a message especially designed for you!

    I hope you enjoyed your weekly guidance post please feel free to comment below if you have any questions or extra clarity.

    Please feel free to share like and comment and donate to my blog if you wish.

    Sending Love to you all 

    Stacie xx


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