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I feel there are a lot of you feeling quite lost at the moment I also feel very tired and surrounded by heavy energy
Today I'm going to get straight to business and concentrate on what the universe needs to share with you all.
I would like to state that all my weekly guidance blogs are for entertainment purpose only.
All signs and elements are included take what resonates and leave the rest.
Weekly vision message
Its late evening , I'm sitting on a porch in an old rocking chair.
I can hear the crickets chirping , The night time Wildlife ready to come to life in the darkness.
The sun is setting , the sky is filled with an eerily orange glow.
The silence is deafening.
But my mind feels clear and my heart feels pure, with each rock of the chair I can feel emotions arising, I feel like I'm trying to get somewhere but I'm getting no where fast.
I feel fear and frustration , I'm filled with fear and regret of not following my own heart and listing to other people.
As the darkness fills the sky my mind comes to life.
Within the few minutes where my mind was clear and my heart felt pure , I found true peace within.
That's when the universe reminds me that between the chaos, there is calm and a chance of reflection, and a chance of true happiness.
You need to remind yourself that its ok to take a break and a step back.
Tarot Card Connection
1st Card
The Moon
With the Moon it’s likely that emotions are complicated at this time.
The environment can be one full of misunderstandings, and not everything is as it appears. You may need to do some work to get to the bottom of things; be sure to not only ensure the intentions of others, but also understand your own emotions, desires and motivations.
There may be old attitudes, beliefs or ideas that are clouding your judgement. Many things can be hiding in your unconscious affecting your ability to accept love. Are past relationships haunting you? Have you lost faith in love? Do you believe you are unworthy of love? All of these can have profound affects on how we approach relationships. Now is the time to examine them and reveal them as they truly are.
2nd Card
Justice In Reverse
Justice is about karma, and if you’ve been putting forth the effort, love and romance will be coming your way. If you’ve been kind, loving and supportive, your relationships will be a mirror of what you’ve been giving to others.
If you’ve been single, your loving and positive disposition will make you especially attractive to new potential romances.
Because this card is all about the law of cause and effect, make sure you have been treating your partner fairly. Watch out for resentment and defensiveness, and ensure that conflicts in your relationships are handled with respect and trust in your other half.
Compromise and understanding is needed now. Sometimes this card is also about being tactful, and expressing your frustrations in a way that are mindful of your partner’s feelings. As long as issues hare handled with honesty and good faith, your relationship will thrive.
3rd Card
Five of Wands Reversed
The Five of Wands reversed meaning can be that your natural method of dealing with disagreements is avoiding any kind of conflict by getting away from that place as fast as you can.
Sometimes this can be regarded as a good thing, but other times, it may lead to a number of issues that are brewing up within you, for which you will have to address soon.
On the other hand, it can also mean that you have worked through your troubles and that you do not have any more issues to worry about.
Issues of how you deal with conflict can affect your relationships now.
If you’re in a relationship, ensure that you haven’t been bottling up your resentments to avoid conflicts that the two of you need to have a smooth partnership.
Eventually avoiding difficult conversations lead to an erosion of trust. Remember that every person has the right to their needs, and having needs does not make you any less lovable.
If you’ve been doing the hard work of expressing yourself honestly with your partner however, you may find that misunderstandings are clearing up. What were once arguments may disappear once honesty and clarity have been achieved.
4th Card
The Devil
Getting the devil card in your reading shows that you have feelings of entrapment, emptiness and lack of fulfilment in your life.
It might also mean that you are a slave to materialism and opulence and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to shake off the feeling of wanting to indulge in luxurious living.
You might be aware that this kind of lifestyle is leading you down the rabbit hole, but you have that feeling of not having any form of control over your actions or urges.
Addiction to substances or material pleasures can also be the reason for your feelings of powerlessness and entrapment.
In situations such as these, you may feel as though you are a slave, unable to control your impulses or willpower to direct yourself towards something other than the satisfaction of these desires.
Lust and temptation are symbolized by the Devil.
There can be a sense of hedonism, and a selfish desire for gratification with this card. In less serious circumstances, it can also just simply mean a pursuit for all of life’s earthly pleasures.
There is nothing wrong in having a bit of fun, but make sure that you are not hurting others or giving them wrong impressions when you do.
If you’re only looking for hook-ups, it is up to you to communicate that with your dates. Make sure you avoid pressuring others if they decide your lifestyle isn’t something that suits them. Communication will be more important than ever now.
Alternatively, the Devil can also signal addiction, and in the context of love and relationships, co-dependency.
Over time, this can be destructive to the individuality and self of both partners. Be wary, and ensure that the two of you remain strong individuals within your relationship.
5th Card
Page Of Pentacles
When we meet the Page of Pentacles, we see immediately that she is one that is ambitious and focused. She is protected, nourished, provided for by the suit whose name she bears.
Guided by it, she is deeply tied to the earth, nature, and all of its gifts.
She cherishes the body, for it too is something which is a manifestation of her element. Her diligence, ambition and loyalty drives her to quickly make plans for the future - for it is there where her focus lies.
When you meet her, she may be the bearer of news connected to all earthly and material matters. When you hear her message, be inspired as she is - lay down the foundations to follow your ambitions.
Generally, the Page of pentacles refers to the kind of energy that you need to complete all that is needed for your work.
It may point to the determination, focus and the ability to stick with a particular task no matter how boring it may seem.
In terms of work, the Page of Pentacles may signify that there are a lot of tasks you are responsible for, but your time to complete them is much too limited. This is not the time to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Assistance will be there for you, you just have to ask for it.
In relation to finances, the Page of Pentacles can refer to the reward for your hard work. For those who are investing their hard–earned money, this is not the perfect time for you to take the risk. Invest your money in a safe and traditional way - the diligence will pay you back. If you are currently experiencing a health issue, this problem may be the result of the continuous neglect. Let a professional make sure that this is not the case.
The person symbolized by the Page of Pentacles is ambitious, loyal and practical; they may often be seen as studious, but once you get to know them well, they can also be quite funny.
Their ambition and focus means that they are hardworking. They are likely to be as dedicated as they are to a lover, as they are to their goals.
Their quiet demeanour may make them hard to notice at first, compared to other folks that may be more out going.
If this doesn’t represent a person that is entering your love life, the Page of Pentacles tarot love meaning can simply signal this Page’s dedication and loyalty in your relationship.
While sometimes the relationship can lack passion and feel a bit boring, the love is there; you may only need to go out there and figure out how to inject some fun and excitement back into your romance. Try not to always put practicality before passion in the relationship and the two of you should be just fine.
6th Card
The Seven Of Wands
The Seven of Wands has a similar in meaning to the Five of Wands; both cards indicate struggles after the initial fulfilment and satisfaction of an event. The Seven of Wands however is different as it is is about the struggle
The Seven of Wands has a similar in meaning to the Five of Wands; both cards indicate struggles after the initial fulfilment and satisfaction of an event.
The Seven of Wands however is different as it is is about the struggle that you need to go through to maintain your position, rather than to attain it.
This is about the difficulties we face to continue to have success. You should be ready for the competition to you defend your title, and to prove yourself. Others are going to desire the same results that you do, so you need to stay ahead of the them.
There will be challenges to the success of your project or venture from an outside source. You must remain dedicated to your desires, and with a clear purpose and effort, you will overcome them.
The overall meaning of the Seven of Wands is to hold your ground, no matter what is challenging your position.
You will need to defend this position and take a stand against those who are aiming to take your spot. There are setbacks during this time, but you need to keep fighting for your beliefs and confront those that may threaten or oppose you and your beliefs.
Bottom Of The Deck
The Empress
The Empress shows us how deeply we are embedded to our femininity. Femininity could be associated with fertility, expression, creativity and nurturing among many other aspects.
It therefore calls you to connect with beauty and bring happiness to your life.
Understand yourself and get in touch with your sensuality so that you can attract life circumstances to bring happiness and joy. She is a signal that be kind to yourself, to take care of yourself.
The Empress is also a strong indication of pregnancy and motherhood.
You can look for other cards to confirm if this is truly pregnancy, or rather just an indication of a motherly, nurturing and caring attitude.
The Empress card could also mean the birth of a new idea, business or project on your life. Owing to the good fortune that surrounds this card, you can be sure that such situations and projects would end successfully in your life.
Discover and bring forth those ideas that have been clinging to you and make sure that you devote yourself towards accomplishing them.
This card is a sign that they are going to be successful, and well taken care of. The Empress, as the archetype of the mother earth, also encourages you to spend time interacting with nature, the mother of all of us.
The empress stems from the element of earth.
The person represented by this card can be loving, nurturing and caring, as has financial security or appreciative of beautiful, comforting things. Sometimes, the Empress can point to love and work coming together, either with a co-worker, or perhaps a new business venture.
When it comes to relationships, this card also heralds a stable, serious and committed relationship. Because the card also represents motherhood, sometimes it can also signal marriage or pregnancy, or at least a new family, in whatever form that means for you.
I hope you enjoyed your weekly guidance post please feel free to comment below if you have any questions or extra clarity.
Please feel free to share like and comment and donate to my blog if you wish.
I feel there are a lot of you feeling quite lost at the moment I also feel very tired and surrounded by heavy energy
Today I'm going to get straight to business and concentrate on what the universe needs to share with you all.
I would like to state that all my weekly guidance blogs are for entertainment purpose only.
All signs and elements are included take what resonates and leave the rest.
Weekly vision message
Its late evening , I'm sitting on a porch in an old rocking chair.
I can hear the crickets chirping , The night time Wildlife ready to come to life in the darkness.
The sun is setting , the sky is filled with an eerily orange glow.
The silence is deafening.
But my mind feels clear and my heart feels pure, with each rock of the chair I can feel emotions arising, I feel like I'm trying to get somewhere but I'm getting no where fast.
I feel fear and frustration , I'm filled with fear and regret of not following my own heart and listing to other people.
As the darkness fills the sky my mind comes to life.
Within the few minutes where my mind was clear and my heart felt pure , I found true peace within.
That's when the universe reminds me that between the chaos, there is calm and a chance of reflection, and a chance of true happiness.
You need to remind yourself that its ok to take a break and a step back.
Tarot Card Connection
1st Card
The Moon
With the Moon it’s likely that emotions are complicated at this time.
The environment can be one full of misunderstandings, and not everything is as it appears. You may need to do some work to get to the bottom of things; be sure to not only ensure the intentions of others, but also understand your own emotions, desires and motivations.
There may be old attitudes, beliefs or ideas that are clouding your judgement. Many things can be hiding in your unconscious affecting your ability to accept love. Are past relationships haunting you? Have you lost faith in love? Do you believe you are unworthy of love? All of these can have profound affects on how we approach relationships. Now is the time to examine them and reveal them as they truly are.
2nd Card
Justice In Reverse
Justice is about karma, and if you’ve been putting forth the effort, love and romance will be coming your way. If you’ve been kind, loving and supportive, your relationships will be a mirror of what you’ve been giving to others.
If you’ve been single, your loving and positive disposition will make you especially attractive to new potential romances.
Because this card is all about the law of cause and effect, make sure you have been treating your partner fairly. Watch out for resentment and defensiveness, and ensure that conflicts in your relationships are handled with respect and trust in your other half.
Compromise and understanding is needed now. Sometimes this card is also about being tactful, and expressing your frustrations in a way that are mindful of your partner’s feelings. As long as issues hare handled with honesty and good faith, your relationship will thrive.
3rd Card
Five of Wands Reversed
The Five of Wands reversed meaning can be that your natural method of dealing with disagreements is avoiding any kind of conflict by getting away from that place as fast as you can.
Sometimes this can be regarded as a good thing, but other times, it may lead to a number of issues that are brewing up within you, for which you will have to address soon.
On the other hand, it can also mean that you have worked through your troubles and that you do not have any more issues to worry about.
Issues of how you deal with conflict can affect your relationships now.
If you’re in a relationship, ensure that you haven’t been bottling up your resentments to avoid conflicts that the two of you need to have a smooth partnership.
Eventually avoiding difficult conversations lead to an erosion of trust. Remember that every person has the right to their needs, and having needs does not make you any less lovable.
If you’ve been doing the hard work of expressing yourself honestly with your partner however, you may find that misunderstandings are clearing up. What were once arguments may disappear once honesty and clarity have been achieved.
4th Card
The Devil
Getting the devil card in your reading shows that you have feelings of entrapment, emptiness and lack of fulfilment in your life.
It might also mean that you are a slave to materialism and opulence and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to shake off the feeling of wanting to indulge in luxurious living.
You might be aware that this kind of lifestyle is leading you down the rabbit hole, but you have that feeling of not having any form of control over your actions or urges.
Addiction to substances or material pleasures can also be the reason for your feelings of powerlessness and entrapment.
In situations such as these, you may feel as though you are a slave, unable to control your impulses or willpower to direct yourself towards something other than the satisfaction of these desires.
Lust and temptation are symbolized by the Devil.
There can be a sense of hedonism, and a selfish desire for gratification with this card. In less serious circumstances, it can also just simply mean a pursuit for all of life’s earthly pleasures.
There is nothing wrong in having a bit of fun, but make sure that you are not hurting others or giving them wrong impressions when you do.
If you’re only looking for hook-ups, it is up to you to communicate that with your dates. Make sure you avoid pressuring others if they decide your lifestyle isn’t something that suits them. Communication will be more important than ever now.
Alternatively, the Devil can also signal addiction, and in the context of love and relationships, co-dependency.
Over time, this can be destructive to the individuality and self of both partners. Be wary, and ensure that the two of you remain strong individuals within your relationship.
5th Card
Page Of Pentacles
When we meet the Page of Pentacles, we see immediately that she is one that is ambitious and focused. She is protected, nourished, provided for by the suit whose name she bears.
Guided by it, she is deeply tied to the earth, nature, and all of its gifts.
She cherishes the body, for it too is something which is a manifestation of her element. Her diligence, ambition and loyalty drives her to quickly make plans for the future - for it is there where her focus lies.
When you meet her, she may be the bearer of news connected to all earthly and material matters. When you hear her message, be inspired as she is - lay down the foundations to follow your ambitions.
Generally, the Page of pentacles refers to the kind of energy that you need to complete all that is needed for your work.
It may point to the determination, focus and the ability to stick with a particular task no matter how boring it may seem.
In terms of work, the Page of Pentacles may signify that there are a lot of tasks you are responsible for, but your time to complete them is much too limited. This is not the time to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Assistance will be there for you, you just have to ask for it.
In relation to finances, the Page of Pentacles can refer to the reward for your hard work. For those who are investing their hard–earned money, this is not the perfect time for you to take the risk. Invest your money in a safe and traditional way - the diligence will pay you back. If you are currently experiencing a health issue, this problem may be the result of the continuous neglect. Let a professional make sure that this is not the case.
The person symbolized by the Page of Pentacles is ambitious, loyal and practical; they may often be seen as studious, but once you get to know them well, they can also be quite funny.
Their ambition and focus means that they are hardworking. They are likely to be as dedicated as they are to a lover, as they are to their goals.
Their quiet demeanour may make them hard to notice at first, compared to other folks that may be more out going.
If this doesn’t represent a person that is entering your love life, the Page of Pentacles tarot love meaning can simply signal this Page’s dedication and loyalty in your relationship.
While sometimes the relationship can lack passion and feel a bit boring, the love is there; you may only need to go out there and figure out how to inject some fun and excitement back into your romance. Try not to always put practicality before passion in the relationship and the two of you should be just fine.
6th Card
The Seven Of Wands
The Seven of Wands has a similar in meaning to the Five of Wands; both cards indicate struggles after the initial fulfilment and satisfaction of an event. The Seven of Wands however is different as it is is about the struggle
The Seven of Wands has a similar in meaning to the Five of Wands; both cards indicate struggles after the initial fulfilment and satisfaction of an event.
The Seven of Wands however is different as it is is about the struggle that you need to go through to maintain your position, rather than to attain it.
This is about the difficulties we face to continue to have success. You should be ready for the competition to you defend your title, and to prove yourself. Others are going to desire the same results that you do, so you need to stay ahead of the them.
There will be challenges to the success of your project or venture from an outside source. You must remain dedicated to your desires, and with a clear purpose and effort, you will overcome them.
The overall meaning of the Seven of Wands is to hold your ground, no matter what is challenging your position.
You will need to defend this position and take a stand against those who are aiming to take your spot. There are setbacks during this time, but you need to keep fighting for your beliefs and confront those that may threaten or oppose you and your beliefs.
Bottom Of The Deck
The Empress
The Empress shows us how deeply we are embedded to our femininity. Femininity could be associated with fertility, expression, creativity and nurturing among many other aspects.
It therefore calls you to connect with beauty and bring happiness to your life.
Understand yourself and get in touch with your sensuality so that you can attract life circumstances to bring happiness and joy. She is a signal that be kind to yourself, to take care of yourself.
The Empress is also a strong indication of pregnancy and motherhood.
You can look for other cards to confirm if this is truly pregnancy, or rather just an indication of a motherly, nurturing and caring attitude.
The Empress card could also mean the birth of a new idea, business or project on your life. Owing to the good fortune that surrounds this card, you can be sure that such situations and projects would end successfully in your life.
Discover and bring forth those ideas that have been clinging to you and make sure that you devote yourself towards accomplishing them.
This card is a sign that they are going to be successful, and well taken care of. The Empress, as the archetype of the mother earth, also encourages you to spend time interacting with nature, the mother of all of us.
The empress stems from the element of earth.
The person represented by this card can be loving, nurturing and caring, as has financial security or appreciative of beautiful, comforting things. Sometimes, the Empress can point to love and work coming together, either with a co-worker, or perhaps a new business venture.
When it comes to relationships, this card also heralds a stable, serious and committed relationship. Because the card also represents motherhood, sometimes it can also signal marriage or pregnancy, or at least a new family, in whatever form that means for you.
I hope you enjoyed your weekly guidance post please feel free to comment below if you have any questions or extra clarity.
Please feel free to share like and comment and donate to my blog if you wish.
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