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In these colder month it often comes to the days which are rainy and you don't go outside so much. I can't deny, I really enjoy in them. Who doesn't want once in a while to have late wake up in the warm and cozy bed, be in the pajamas all day just because you can, or just slow down a bit on the days like that. We're living in very harsh lifestyle, back in days it seems that people have more time for everything. All people had a job, but they have appreciated more family time without distractions.
Nowadays, we have so much more, and we always hurry somewhere and sometimes we forgot push the break and remind our self to slow day. Life is too short to be in rush all the time. When the rainy day come, I love to slow a nudge and remind myself it's OK you got time for everything. Even though day have 24 hours and I know to think here and then isn't enough hours for one day.
In case, you read my blog for a while you know I'm a big coffee lover and my day can't start without coffee first and turn on the TV or just meditate with coffee. Back in my mind I'll always think about my priorities that I need to do on that day because it is out of the season I can afford myself to spend these kinds of days indoor at home. Positive thing about working from home I believe it is you can do your job from your bedroom. I don't know way, but when I'm checking my e-mails I love to do that from my bed it makes me feel more cozy. Does somebody else do that or I'm weird?
I love to learn new thing and I'm always in some research for something or I'm working on some of mine projects for the blog or things I need to improve. I can say that rainy days make me more productive I've better attention on things. There is no sun to distract my attention to do something else. On the other hand, some people haven't much attention on those days, I'll suggest that you read a good book like Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker (iTunes or Amazon), Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (iTunes or Amazon) or The Girl With A Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson (iTunes or Amazon) (I've put all the links for the books if you are interested in purchasing them). I already have read all of these books I'd highly recommend them, if you are looking for a good book to read. Do you prefer regular books, e books or audio books?
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