

How does it feel to stay at the edge of a continent?

How does it feel to stay at the edge of a continent?

    South Africa
    Cape Town
    Cape Point
    This weekend I was lucky to travel a bit around South Africa. My good friends picked me up from my cozy flat in Sea Point and we went to the best place to visit on a sunny Saturday - Cape Point. As you might understand from its name, Cape Point is the southern tip of South Africa.

    How do you think you would feel staying at the edge of a continent? I've experienced very mixed feelings. My best friend asked me, why mixed? It is just an incredible feeling - staying there, looking forward, and there is nothing besides the ocean, thousands of kilometers of water, and then Antarctica... I wouldn't believe if someone told me even one year ago, that I would be staying at the edge of AFRICA. I still can't believe it. It's more than mixed feelings, it's just unbelievable.

    Travel, get inspired and open new horizons - it is life changing, believe me! :)

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