5 Easy To Dress-Up or Down Hairdo’s For Medium to Long Hair

Product details: LÓreal’s Mythic Oil

5 Easy To Dress-Up or Down Hairdo’s For Medium to Long Hair

    This post has been in the making for a long (and I mean long!) time. So, with thanks to those who have requested -and patiently waited for- my top hairdo’s for medium to long hair, here they are!

    *As in the meantime, we’ve hit 2020 and the wall of WFH, I’ve given a little twist to the original idea. Namely, I presented each hairstyle in 2 options:

    a simple, at-home one, and a more glammed up version for going out.

    You’ll see that, either way, these updo’s are quite simple from a technique pov. That’s because I’m no hairstylist, and I wanted to help out other women who want easy to do, but still quite high-impact, yet practical hairdo’s.

    And remember:

    The first step before any hairdo is haircare.

    A pump or two of LÓreal’s Mythic Oil nourishes, provides shine and protects against heat later on. I usually massage it into my hair (omitting the roots), followed by a thorough combing-through.

    And we’re ready to get started with the first hairdo!

    The loop-the-loop chignon

    To create this look, I separate the hair into three approximately equal parts.

    I tie the middle part into a low ponytail, then separate its base with my fingers.

    This creates a small loop above the elastic, which I flip the ponytail through. You can do this once or twice- I chose to loop it through twice here.

    Then, taking the 2 lateral sections, I tie them again in, essentially, another low ponytail, right above the first one.

    Joining the two ponytails, I again create a loop at the base of the top one, and loop the 2-in-1 ponytails through it.

    Depending on your hair length, do this a few times, until only the ends of the ponytail remain.
    These I secure with a bobby-pin, and TA-DAAH! A very easy and quick chignon.

    If you are just preparing for a day of work or study from home, you might be happy stopping here.

    But if you want something a little extra for going out (or hey, even for yourself!), you can always use some decorative pins to embellish your ‘do. I went for a few pearl ones here, which I feel work really well with this classic hairstyle.

    Again, feel free to stop here for a slightly messier effect. But if you want to polish your chignon a bit more, you can always douse a toothbrush in hairspray, and run it against the stray hairs to flatten them.

    This is completely up to you; and you’ll see, I never tame all my flyaways, because I like a more natural, disheveled look. But it’s a very effective tip to keep in mind.

    (I want to read about the other styles!)


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