

5 Tea Recipes | Hot & Cold
20   Minutes

As one of the most consensual and flexible drinks, tea takes home the prize of the perfect refreshment for any occasion. Therefore, here are 5 quick and easy tea recipes to enjoy no matter the time or place!

Tea has always been one of my favorite drinks. Besides being obviously delicious, tea has the amazing power to make us feel something good. And, I’m not just talking about its natural medicinal properties. The coziness it offers in the wintertime, the feeling of freshness it provides on hotter days, it is simply magical.  

Moreover, from fruity to herbal or citrusy, it is almost impossible not to find a type of tea that you will fall in love with. With that in mind, I can guarantee that you will become addicted to at least one of these recipes. So, keep reading! 


Classic Ice Tea with Lemon Recipe

Classic Lemon Iced Tea

We start with the classics, obviously. This recipe is a true staple that promises to become an all-time favorite at your dinner parties. With only five ingredients, you can make this Classic Lemon Iced Tea effortlessly, even for a crowd!

Ingredients for 5 Servings

2 and ½ cups of boiling water
 2 and ½ cups of cold water
 5 black tea bags
 2/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice
 ½ teaspoon of baking soda 
 ½ cup of granulated sugar 
 Ice cubes, Sliced Lemons and Mint Leaves for serving


Place the tea bags inside a container and pour the boiling water in. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes depending on how strong you like your tea. After removing the tea bags, pour the tea into the serving pitcher. Then, add the lemon juice and sugar, stirring until it is thoroughly mixed. Add the baking soda and stir until the fizzling decreases. After adding the remaining cold water, let it rest in the refrigerator to chill. Before serving add the ice, lemon slices and mint leaves. 

Ginger Green Tea Lemonade Recipe

Ginger Green Tea Lemonade

Can you think of a more refreshing combo than ginger and lemonade? Well, this recipe takes it to a whole new level by blending it with the bitterness of green tea!

Ingredients for 5 servings

1 cup of ginger syrup (1 cup of water, 1/2 cup of granulated sugar, 1 cup of fresh ginger)
 2 cups of water
 3 green tea bags
 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice
Ice cubes and Sliced Lemons for serving


Start making your ginger syrup by mixing the sugar and the water on medium-low heat. Once the sugar dissolves, add in the ginger, cover and let it simmer for about 15 minutes. Then, remove it from the heat but let it keep infusing for 30 minutes to an hour, depending on how strong you would like the flavor to be. Strain and save it in the refrigerator for up to one week. 

For the lemonade, place the tea bags inside a container and pour the boiling water in. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes depending on how strong you like your tea. Remove the tea bags and add ice, setting it aside to cool. Combine the green tea, ginger syrup and lemon juice in a large pitcher. Serve with more ice!

                                             Strawberry Tea Recipe

Strawberry Tea

Who would have thought that such a delicious and pretty recipe could be so easy? To enjoy alone or impress your friends, this is definitely a must-try!

Ingredients for 2 servings

2 cups of strawberries 
 1/4 cup granulated sugar
 2 green tea bags
 2 cups of water
 Ice cubes for serving


Start by making a strawberry syrup. Cut your strawberries into small pieces and add them to a pot with the sugar. Let it boil until the mixture liquefies. Take it off the heat. You can strain the mixture at this point, but I actually enjoy the little pieces of strawberry. Then, it’s time to make your green tea and let it cool. Finish by adding both the tea and the strawberry syrup into a pitcher with lots of ice! 


Chamomile Tea Latte Recipe

Chamomile Tea Latte

Perfect for a cold evening or to drink as a coffee substitute in the morning, this Chamomile Tea Latte is warm, sweet and everything tender. Try it with your favorite type of milk and sweetener, and melt away with every sip. 

Ingredients for 1 serving

1 cup of water
 2 chamomile tea bags
 1 cup of oat non-dairy milk
 ½ tablespoon of honey
 Cinnamon for serving


Start by making the chamomile tea by bringing the water to a boil and adding the tea bags. Let it rest for about 10 minutes. In the meantime, heat the milk. I used my milk frother, but you can just warm it up on the stove. Also, I used oat milk because it is my favorite but feel free to use regular milk or any kind of non-dairy milk. Remove the tea bags from the water and add the honey, stirring until it dissolves. Pour the tea into your cup and top it with the milk. Serve with sprinkled cinnamon. 


Hibiscus Tea Mojito

Hibiscus Tea Mojito

This post would not be complete without a delicious cocktail recipe, right? This is probably the only recipe here that is not suitable for EVERY occasion. Or maybe it is. You do you. One thing is for sure, this cocktail is absolutely to die for!

Ingredients for 5 Servings

1 and ½ cup of hibiscus tea syrup (3 cups of water, ¾ dried hibiscus flower, ½ granulated sugar)
 3 large limes
 ½ cup of white rum 
 2 tablespoons of agave (optional)
 Ice cubes and mint leaves for serving


Start by making the hibiscus tea syrup by bringing the 3 cups of water to a boil with the sugar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then, add the hibiscus flowers, remove from the heat and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Strain the syrup into a container and leave it to cool. For the mojitos, add plenty of ice to a pitcher, the cooled hibiscus tea syrup, lime juice, white rum and the extra agave (optional).   Serve with mint and more ice. 




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