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Happy International Women’s Day, lovely community. The world is uncertain, scary, sad. We have been silent, spending time with our thoughts, digesting what is currently going on.
Today is an important day for all of us. Today is the day to celebrate our achievements, our power, our love. It is the day to support one another, show love, and inspire each other to keep fighting.
While several regions rolled back in regards to gender equality due to the world events, today more than ever we need to celebrate womanhood, stand up and call out.
That’s why our post highlights those three verbs: respect, listen, and call out.
Respect all women, never mind their identity, race, world views, body, outfit. Listen to all women, without doubting them or not believing them. Call out when you see women being disrespected in any shape or form.
By starting with these actions, you will already make the world a better place for us.
Today we want to share some empowering and inspiring articles of our community members to celebrate womanhood and support you.❤️
1) The Empowerment Quotes for Strong Women by Una Omeragic
As women, we are faced with many different challenges on a daily basis, yet we always manage to solve and outgrow them. Unfortunately, it sometimes seems that as women, we are not fully aware of our potential, strength, and power. Why is that the case?
We often say that the reason behind this is men who have all the power, but as Roseanne Barr said, ‘The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it’.
2) Body positivity | Empowering You to Love Yourself by Katie Louise
You might have heard of the term "body acceptance" before. It means accepting and loving your body for what it is, but it may not be clear to you at first how to live with this mindset.
It can be difficult if you feel like certain parts of your body need fixing or if you feel like something about yourself makes you less than others in some way. But when we learn to love our bodies and appreciate them for their unique beauty, we can start living a life with greater peace and joy!
This blog post will be empowering you to love yourself and explore why body positivity matters, and show readers how they can begin practicing this important idea in their lives today.
3) My Experience with Working in A Corporation by Iuliana Bittersweet
In almost 10 years of working in different tech companies I learned that being a woman and wanting to speak up is not seen as a virtue, also I learned that it will almost always be your fault and there is no such thing as mixing work and pleasure. Clearly, I have a different view now than I had at 22 when I first started, but here are the things I wish I knew back then.
1. Unwanted attention can be turned down
When I first started working, I left for 2 months to work from the client's office. My manager made me feel so damn uncomfortable with remarks such as “I will pay you twice as much just to be my wife” or even putting his hand on my leg when he drove me to pick my car from the park.
4) Interview: HERstory's Creative Director, Steph O'Driscoll by Chloe Fry
Bringing together inspiring true stories in a unique city-wide audio experience, HERstory uncovers the lives and work of Brighton-based women throughout the pandemic. Featured as part of the Brighton Festival the new aural production will breathe life into the work of talented writers, including Sabrina Mahfouz, Jade Anouka, Kate O’Donnell, Nessah Muthy, MonsayWhitney, Rachael Young and Yolanda Mercy, as they create a space in the city for women’s voices to be heard. The stories will be accessible across Brighton from Saturday 1st to Monday 31st May.
These moving stories are available to listen to at different posts around Brighton, creating a walking trail of tales that celebrate the truth and power of everyday women. Using a unique QR code people can tune in to the stories and discover the portraits of the women involved.
Ahead of the launch we had a chat with creative director Stef O’Driscoll to discuss the inspiration behind the project and what they’re hopes are for the run.
I’ve spent most of my life feeling guilty about, well, everything.
When relaxing, I feel guilty about not being productive. When I’m spending my free time being productive, I feel guilty for not relaxing. When I eat “bad” foods, I feel guilty, and then I feel guilty for feeling guilty. I feel guilty for spending money. I feel guilty for saying things I feel like I shouldn’t have said, not saying things I feel like I shouldn’t have said…the list goes on ad nauseum (and I mean that literally since my anxiety makes me nauseous).
As someone who feels perpetually guilty, one thing that I really appreciate is when someone else mentions one of their qualities (that I also have and feel guilty about) in a factual way. It really opened my eyes when one of my friends at college said that she was just more comfortable around women.
6) Learning to be proud of what you achieve by Teresa
I have noticed that it is not very common for me to feel completely happy with what I achieve. That there always seems to be one thing that I demand better of myself in. Whilst striving for better is always something good, there comes a point where you also have to recognise and acknowledge what you have got. Be proud of yourself for what you have achieved even if the result was not entirely what you were aiming for.
When I achieve almost anything I hear the voice in my head that I should have done better in something, which means that most of the time I am never fully content with what I have managed. Since this has happened so frequently, I have realised that the way I am looking at things probably is not the best.
7) How To Find Peace and Stay Positive When People Hurt You by Epsita M
"We share pieces of ourselves with people everyday." To find your inner peace and balance, focus only on things that you can control. It is through the conscious alingment of your thoughts [inner world] and actions [outer world], you can stay truly stay positive and find your inner peace. Come further with me to know how I find my inner peace, and practice to stay positive when people hurt me!
Sometimes our action or behavior is a conscious outlet of us, while all other times they're our spontaneous response to the events or behavior. Don't lead your day based on people's perception. Nobody but only you can decide if you are good or bad; because the way we present ourselves to people accordingly they form an opinion about us. But that does not mean they are always correct! Sometimes or I must say most of the times when others judge us, it also shows some part of them- their attitude, their habits, their thinking, and the way they see things- and not how exactly we are!
A tiny trigger of negative reaction or comment can make us unhappy. But if we allow our life to depend on those negative opinions, we can never feel good about ourselves. Can we?
Happy International Women’s Day,
We love you ❤️
Your Fashion Potluck Team
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