

I Tried The Chloe Ting 2 Week Shred Challenge - My Experience And Results

I Tried The Chloe Ting 2 Week Shred Challenge - My Experience And Results

    Hello! I hope you are doing okay! Today’s blog post is all about my experience of doing the Chloe Ting 2 week shred challenge. I will be sharing how I get on with the workouts and how I feel after. I will also be trying to be healthy for 2 weeks so that I get the best end result. At the end there will be before and after photos! Have you ever tried the Chloe Ting workout challenge?

    Day 1 - The First Day!

    Today’s workout consisted of two videos. One of them was a full body workout and the other was an abs workout. The full body workout was very tiring and I had longer rests in between sets. I found the abs workout okay and I went on a walk in the afternoon.

    Day 2

    Today’s workout had 2 videos and an optional video. I decided to do them all. There was one full body workout and two abs workouts. The full body workout was tiring again and my legs were still aching from yesterday but I managed to do it. Again I had to add more time to the resting time between sets. The abs workouts were fine and I only took one extra rest. I also did another hour walk in the afternoon.

    Day 3

    Today’s workout had 4 videos and I was kind of dreading it but it was alright. There was the full body workout, two abs workouts and a lower body workout that I hadn’t done before. I feel like I’m getting used to the full body workout but I only took a 30 seconds rest between set 2 and 3. The other 3 workouts were okay as well!

    Day 4

    Today I went on a 1.5 mile run, had a long rest and then did the workout. Today's workout had 3 videos. There was the full body workout, an abs workout and an arms/core workout that I had never done before. It was very tiring today but I still managed to do it all. I had to take a few longer breaks but overall it was fine. The arms/core workout was challenging but it was my first time doing it!

    Day 5

    Rest day!

    Day 6

    I swapped round day 7 and 6 so I did day 7's workout today. It was 4 videos. There was the full body workout, 2 abs workouts and the arms/core workout. It wasn’t actually that tiring. I did have to take some extra tests in the full body workout but I managed to do it pretty well. The abs workouts were alright and the core/arms was tough but good.

    Day 7

    I didn’t do any of the workout videos today because I did a 4.5 mile run instead!

    Day 8

    Today’s workout was good. There was 4 videos in it. There was the full body workout, 2 abs workouts and an lower body workout. The full body workout was alright. Again I had to take extra breaks but I managed to do it all. The lower body workout was a bit challenging and the usual abs video was alright. The other abs video was an Ariana Grande one and that was so fun. It made me so much more motivated.

    Day 9

    Today was supposed to be my rest day but I decided to do a workout anyways. I only did the full body workout today because I was feeling a bit tired but I still wanted to do something. I had to take extra rests like normal but I managed alright.

    Day 10

    Today’s workout was 4 videos and it was good. There was the full body workout, an abs workout, a lower body workout and an arms/core workout. I took extra breaks like normal but I’m starting to do the exercises at the same time as Chloe which is great.

    Day 11

    Today’s workout was 2 videos which is easier than yesterday. It was the full body workout and abs workout. For some reason, I got a lot more tired doing the full body workout than usual but I managed to keep going. After a break I was energised for the abs workout which was good. Also I went on a walk later on.

    Day 12

    Today I went on a 2 mile run. Later on in the day, I did 2 videos from day 13. I did 2 abs workouts which was alright. I managed to do it pretty quickly today which is good.

    Day 13

    Today I did the day 12 workout which was 4 videos. There was the full body workout, 2 abs workouts and a lower body workout. It decided to do it in a different order than what usually do change things up. The abs and lower body workouts were tiring but I did them. Throughout the third video, I have to admit I didn't think I was going to be able to do another video but I reminded myself that it was my second to last day of the challenge and then I managed to do the last video.

    Day 14 - The Last Day!

    Today there were 4 videos in this workout. There was the full body workout, the abs workout, the core/arms workout and the lower body workout. I took extra breaks because it was quite tiring but it was good.


    This program was challenging but I’m really proud of myself for completing it! There were some days where I didn’t really want to do it but I still did it! I pretty much managed to do all of the videos except for the days where I went on runs but they made up for not doing the videos.


    Here are the before, during and after photos!

    I am really happy with these results! I can definitely notice a difference as my abs look more defined now which is amazing! 

    Check out my blog and subscribe for weekly posts - https://lifestyleseason.wordpress.com

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    • Void  V Void V :

      awesome post! i tried this too and it's really interesting to hear other people's perspectives with this challenge. thank you for sharing! 

      4 years ago 
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