Introducing Me

    Hello there and welcome to my first post on Fashion Potluck!

    I have only just joined this week but I am already finding it to be such a welcoming community, and I am excited to see where the journey of making content on this site takes me. 

    With that being said, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself to you all so that is where I will begin!

    So, my name is Denise, I am 23 and a native of Ireland. I have a strong passion for writing and being creative and I blog over at Weesi's World. On my blog you will find a mix of book and beauty reviews, music favourites (I LOVE talking about music) or opinion pieces when a certain topic piques my interest. These are some of the interests I hope to incorporate into my posts here at Fashion Potluck, and I hope who ever reads them, will enjoy them.

    I guess that's just a little summary of who I am, but there is plenty more to come in future posts, so please, join me in this new content creating journey and comment, like or follow as I always love connecting with fellow writers and bloggers!

    Where to find me

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weesisworldblog/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/weesisworldblog

    • Una  O Una O :

      Hello Denise! Nice to meet you    Excited to read your future posts, especially about music! I am just making my summer playlist and could definitely use some inspo!   

      4 years ago 
      • Denise  H Denise H :

        Hi, Una! Lovely to meet you too 😍 I really am excited to start making content!

        I can’t wait to check out your Summer playlist, I make monthly ones on my blog 😄

        4 years ago 
    • Lafrieda S Lafrieda S :

      Welcome Denise to the community!! I followed you on your blog, instagram and twitter. I enjoyed your recent blog post!  I am a big music fan as well and look forward to reading more of your posts!😁

      4 years ago 
      • Denise  H Denise H :

        Thank you so much ❤️ I am going to follow you back on all now! 

        4 years ago 
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