Favourite Drinks Water, Rosé, Pineapple & mango smoothie.
Favourite Songs Old faves include Love Story - Taylor Swift, Irreplaceable - Beyoncé and Some Might Say - Oasis. Recent faves are Cate's Brother - Maisie Peters & Petrified in Love - Paolo Nutini.
Place you want to Visit Paris (revisit), New York, Italy or anywhere I can find sunshine!
last loves:
“Life is full of happiness and tears; be strong and have faith”
My Posts
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It’s Summertime and we all love to achieve that healthy glow, but at what cost? Exposing your
The viral ‘Hair Blinger’ | 2000's...
Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I last posted here on Fashion Potluck but I am excited
My Hope for 2022
Hi everyone! I wasn’t too sure how I wanted to mark the start of the New Year.
Why TikTok is my Favourite Social...
For someone who has been on the internet for as long as I have (trust me, it’s been a
My Favourite Accessory of 2021
Today, I wanted to share the accessories I've recently been pairing with my 'fits to
Rebranding My Blog
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My Pamper Essentials
Some days we just need a little extra pampering, and today I am going to share some of the
Where Have I Been?
Hi everyone. It’s crazy to think it’s been about a year since I last posted here.
Beauty Review - Simple Micellar Water...
Hey everyone! Today, I am back with a review/comparison of two Micellar waters from Simple
Introducing Me
Hello there and welcome to my first post on Fashion Potluck! I have only just joined this week but
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