Quarantine Life Part 2: Glow Up

    With all the time we have to think and focus on what's to come. Now is the best time to work on the things you've been putting off. There's only so much television, social media, and phone conversations you can have. At some point, you have to take action. While everyone else is focusing on mundane things, you can be working on your glow up. Yes, there is no time like the present. I was moping around complaining about what I'm going to do? There's only so much working and Netflix I can take. Besides the fact of being alive (Thank God), I have too much free time to waste. I'm not bashing anyone who may feel that surviving is good enough for them. I hope nobody feels slighted or ridiculed in any way. This post is for those people who want to glow up and need an extra incentive to do so. 


    I've been talking about wanting to work out again for a while. I felt the pounds coming on, and I was over it! Through the power of the Internet (via Facebook), my former boot camp coach contacted me after reading my comment about exercising. It started as a 21-day calorie quarantine crusher challenge. I'm currently on the 21-day 2.0 version, and this week I started the healthy living portion of the program. I'm addicted to working out again in a short amount of time. I've continuously been exercising since April 6th. I lost 4 inches so far, and I can't believe how strong I'm becoming. I'm pushing myself like I never have before. I have more motivation behind why I'm taking this fitness journey seriously this time around. I may or may not share some time in the future. My main point is to set a realistic goal of getting into shape, and you'll become addicted as well. Fitness has helped to improve my mood, which brings me to my next point of self-care. 



    I speak about therapy often on this blog, so there's no surprise why it's apart of this post. Mental health issues are skyrocketing during this time. The self-isolation alone is enough to drive anyone crazy. Be sure to check in with yourself daily. Whether you decide to seek therapy or not, you need to have an outlet. The self-isolation isn't the time to hold your emotions in as it can have dire consequences. You can journal as well if you don't feel comfortable sharing with others. Anything to express how you feel will do wonders. The main point is to get rid of those negative thoughts in your head. Be careful how you speak to yourself and what you allow yourself to hear. Negative talk can seep into your brain and get into your sub-conscience. Then ultimately, it will manifest into disruptive behaviors. Now is a perfect time to work on self-care if that's an area that needs improvement. You have loads of time to practice, so get to it!


    I wrote a few posts back about my plans to get a new job this year. I started the process, but so far it hasn't panned out. Rejection is redirection into an area I need to be. I began to look inward at my network for a job as I would like to have a regression proof career. That regardless of what's going on in the world, I would still be able to support myself. I had two informational interviews so far, and I'm currently working on the third. I struggled to try to secure these networking opportunities before coronavirus, but now it's happening—the exact definition of a blessing in disguise. Based on the feedback I received, I need to get additional training under my belt to aid in securing a new job. It will show future employers that I'm capable and ready for the new role. I know which training I need to take because it's what's required/most requested. This information is critical because, without these informational interviews, I wouldn't have known. When the next job prospects come along, I'll be more prepared. My biggest takeaway was if I want to get to the next level, then utilize my network. You never know who someone knows or how that one interaction can bring you closer to your dreams. 


    It is sad to hear on the news about the unemployment numbers. I'm grateful I can work from home and still receive a paycheck. The quarantine shed light for me about how I need to create a better financial safety net for myself. As the old saying goes, if you stay ready, you don't have to get ready. I recently checked my 401(k) to see when the last time I re-balanced it. (If you aren't familiar with the term, research it.) That is something that you should check periodically. You have to change your elections to receive the maximum benefit. Any safety net you create has to be under constant review. The safety nets include (in addition to 401(k)) Roth IRA, savings account, CD, stocks and bonds, 529 plans, Simple IRA, SEP IRA, traditional IRA, and Roth 401(k) to name a few. I'm not trying to provide any financial advice. This information is provided strictly as informational, and it's up to you to decide what's best for you and your family. Having these safety nets removes the worry about what will happen in the event of an economic downturn. Even if you aren't in a position to participate now, you can still learn for later use. The more you know, the more informed financial decisions you can make in the future. 

    Your idea of glowing up can be completely different from mine, but you get the picture. It is a blessing to have this much free time on your heads. You can concentrate on all the things that you swept under the rug. Glowing up isn't limited to clothing/appearance (I have purchased new clothes, so stay tuned world) but about what you're feeding your mind and soul. I'm going to leave you with a quote my fitness coach told me. "If you don't feel like doing something, then now is the best time to start." I couldn't have said it any better myself. Now go out there and glow up like a diamond!


    • Lafrieda S Lafrieda S :

      I am with you on all these things you listed. Since I retired last couple years, I have been slacking on some things but now that I am finally taking control of the things needed to be done. Fitness and Self-care is the most important now. Thank you for sharing, this was very informative.☺

      4 years ago 
    • Thkeya S Thkeya S :

      I'm so glad to hear this was informative for you. Good luck to you on your fitness and self-care journeys. 

      4 years ago 
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