Quick-Fire Quarantine with Evie Rose Lane

    Evie Rose Lane is an actress and musical director who has worked on productions like Footloose, Menstrual Cups and Songs for Jeremy.
    Evie is a self-proclaimed Gleek and quite frankly is an absolute joy!

    If you could only pick one thing, what would you say has made you laugh the most in the past week?
    I hosted a Glee quiz last week – I, sadly, used to be a fan of the show as a teen – and doing the research alone made me cry of laughter on multiple occasions. That, or the EGOT-worthy video of the guy impersonating an Aunt gossiping during the NHS clap.

    Have you binged any shows recently?
    I’ve been doing a lot of binge REwatches, for comfort purposes. Most recently Superstore (masterful sitcom, but not sure how to stream in the UK!), Bojack Horseman (perfect, Netflix), and I Think You Should Leave Now (sketch show on Netflix, batshit genius).

    What would you say is your favourite song to belt in the shower?
    Lead the Way, Mariah. My housemates love me!!!

    Can you tell us a bizarre fact about yourself?
    When I trained over in the US for two years, most of the time I was there I spoke exclusively in an American accent. Was it, you ask, method acting, or just a deeply flawed mental coping mechanism? (The answer is both.)

    Do you have top tips for staying motivated at the moment?
    It’s so tough, and I think the pressure to be creative and high achieving at the moment is unrealistic. Ultimately, saying to yourself “just be motivated!!!” isn’t gonna be fruitful, and I think being frustrated that you aren’t feeling productive enough, or inspired enough, will just make you resent yourself. Right now, yourself is all you really have – trying to maintain some level of respect there is important. Remember that this is not at all a familiar situation we find ourselves in, and so our minds are not gonna be functioning remotely at the same capacity as normal – don’t punish yourself for not wanting to seize the day. Let motivation come naturally, and follow those organic instincts, but always put your welfare first – coming out the other side of this in as good mental and physical health as is possible is the priority, not so much learning a new language/writing a novel/learning to knit (still… very cool things).

    Is there anything you’re feeling particularly grateful for this week?
    I’m grateful this week that I have multiple pets for company (and parent buffers..). My health (finally corona has started to loosen her grip.. only took a month!). My loved ones’ health. I’ve reconnected with a bunch of old friends this week, and chatting with them has been so nourishing for the soul. One rare positive to come out of the global lockdown: the rekindling of the loveliest of friendships.

    I just want to say a huge thank you to Evie for taking the time to answer these questions. Be sure to check out her on social media:
    Twitter: @evroselane
    Instagram: @evroselae

    Image courtesy of Google Images. 


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