One week of WFH outfits

    By now working from home is a normal thing for me, so I wanted to share with everyone a couple of the outfits that I chose to “wear to work” aka my living room space where I have my desk setup. I do want to say that I prefer to choose the more casual look and try to be as professional as it is required, since not so much in the area where I work. 

    I will be sharing the Monday to Friday looks for a relaxed week. So let’s get started!


    Last weekend was pretty intense, I had quite a few things on my list and I have to say that my energy level is a bit low. Yet I started off with a workout routine and they chose a black shirt with a message “ Human <3 Kind, Be both” and a pair of very comfortable pants that look like denim, but they aren’t. Because who would like to stay in jeans indoors?

    Since I didn’t have the time to wash my hair just yet, I chose to braid it in two tails and let the week begin. 


    Usually on Tuesday I have an executive meeting and I like to keep things simple. Black turtleneck, leggings (only for indoor use! These are not pants!) and an oversize shirt to keep me warm. I usually only use leggings IF I have a longer shirt, sweater or anything that will cover my butt, yet even so I avoid going out in them. I know some will have me for this, but showing your backside in all it’s glory to the world is the opposite of classic.


    Hump day’s outfit is composed from a set of comfortable leisurewear in the butter color. Although it might look a little bit like PJ, this trend started to grow on me ever since the pandemic arrived. The one (and only) that I have is from H&M and I have to admit that it’s one of my favorite work from home outfits.  


    No meeting day, or no meetings with the camera on day,  I decided to pick a blouse that I love so much on one shoulder and my trusted leggings (again indoor use only) and choose a comfy cami underneath with no bra :-p . Happy day indeed. 


    Today I wanted to embrace again the casual Friday with the yoga pants and a hoodie with some graphics on it. Another set that I got a while back from H&M and I have been loving them for indoor workouts or working. 

    • Epsita M Epsita M :

      Love these outfits, Luliana <3 These are some awesome ideas that looks comfy as well as stylish and professional. Loved this post!

      4 years ago 

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