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IMPROVE YOUR ACNE IN 1 DAY | Kate Somerville Blemish Banisher Kit Review

Product details: Kate Somerville Detox Daily Cleanser, EradiKate, ExfoliKate, Oil Free Moisturizer

Kate Somerville Blemish Banisher Kit Detailed Review: Detox Daily Cleanser, EradiKate, ExfoliKate, Oil Free Moisturizer.
This summer I received a present from my mother, who recently traveled to the US - this post-acne treatment kit from Kate Somerville.
First, I must say that I loved all the products. Some of them are really amazing and had a great effect on my skin, some of them were still good, though the effect was not that "unexpected". The price of the kit is $55, and it is definitely a great deal, because you get to try all the products in the miniatures, before investing in general size products, which are more expensive.
You can buy it at the official website or at Sephora.
If you want to know my do's and dont's about acne take a read here, or you can find different products to use here.
Let me start with the detailed product reviews.
Kate Somerville Detox Daily Cleanser
This cleanser has a gel texture, bright yellow color, and almost no smell. What I personally love about it is the contents. This cleanser contains Salicylic, Glycolic, and Lactic Acids; Vitamin B; Aloe Vera and Allantoin; Phytic Acid; Tea Tree and Tangerine Peel Extracts. Basically, if you're familiar with these components, this product is supposed to remove dead cells and improve skin texture (acids); deeply cleanse your pores, giving the anti-bacterial effect, which is so important with acne (Tea Tree and Salicylic Acid); prevent over-drying and sooth the skin (Vitamin B & Aloe Vera). I'm a big fan of Salicylic Acid, because it's one of the products which goes deep into your pores through the clogged by oil and other stuff pores. I use it as a serum at night (read about my serum here) and as this cleanser in the morning.
This cleanser delivered everything it promised. After some weeks of using it, my skin had fewer pimples, less excess oil, multiple pores were unclogged, and it looked pretty healthy. Of course, I wouldn't achieve these results without using other skincare products, but this was definitely a good add-on to my skincare routine.
Price (outside of the kit): $36
ExfoliKate® Intensive Exfoliating Treatment
ExfoliKate is one of the best sellers of Kate Somerville. In a kit you get a miniature of the product, which is more like a sample size. Though, I think it's enough to see whether it works or not. The contents of the product is pretty nice, containing Lactic and Salicylic Acids, Aloe Vera, Honey, Papaya, Pineapple, and Pumpkin Enzymes, Vitamines A,C, and E.
So, I've used it for around 6-8 times, as you're supposed to use it once-twice a week. It is a pretty strong exfoliator, offering both physical and chemical exfoliation. The official website says that 100% of women noticed the significant improvements in their skin even after the 1st use. I can't really relate to that.
Skin is definitely smoother, softer, and cleaner after using it, though I haven't noticed any dramatic change. Though, I will keep using this product to get a better idea.
Price (outside of the kit): $85
EradiKate® Acne Treatment
This is the most unusual acne-treatment product I've ever used. It has 2 types of liquids inside: sulfur and what I believe is its activator. The product consists of 10% sulfur, which is the highest level allowed at the moment. Sulfur is very effective when it comes to fighting pimples, zits, and blemishes.
What is unusual about it is the way of using it: it has 2 different types of products inside, but you are not supposed to shake it. You need to take a cotton bud and dip it all the way into the bottle. In the end, you will have a pink substance on your bud, which you're supposed to put onto the pimple/blemish. It is a spot treatment, don't cover your whole face in it!
I heard a lot of good reviews about this products, though I was pretty skeptical, as nothing similar ever helped me. After several days of trying it, I must say that this product is amazing! I put it on my pimples before going to bed, and in the morning they are visibly better! I think it also helps with blemishes, though the effect is slower.
I went to Berlin for 2 weeks and, unexpectedly, I had dozens of new breakouts, multiplying every day. I still don't know what the reason was, though I was missing my EradiKate a lot. I forgot to take it with me and was extremely happy when I got to use it again. And, guess what? After a few days since I'm back, half of the breakouts are gone.
Conclusion: I would definitely recommend it and will buy it over and over again!
Price (outside of the kit): $26
Kate Somerville Oil-Free Moisturizer
It is a generic oil-free moisturizer. It has a very light texture, no smell, and a white color. It is supposed to make your skin smooth, leaving it moisturized and shine-free. The moisturizer worked, though on a very mediocre level, and I think my skin did not become less shiny. Worth trying in a kit, don't think I'd buy it in a bigger size.
Price (outside of the kit): $65
I would definitely recommend purchasing this kit, I definitely found some gems in it. I hope your skin will get better soon and don't forget to love yourself and to take a good care of yourself!
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